Wednesday, 16 December 2015 12:01

Summary for April 2015

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The following is a summary of the April-May 2015 issue of the St. Croix Review:

Barry MacDonald, in "Abraham Lincoln, Part I," writes about Lincoln's character and times.

Allan Brownfeld, in "As Extremism Grows Among Europe's Muslim Immigrants, There Are Lessons to Be Learned from America's Melting Pot" distinguishes two factors in our schools that have helped us assimilate foreign-born children - English and an attitude of "proud to be an American" - let's not lose the attitude; in "Family Breakdown: One Important Cause of Many of Society's Ills," he recalls Daniel Patrick Moynihan's warnings about the "tangle of pathologies" that would flow from single-parent families; in "There Is a Growing Danger That Police Are Being Made Scapegoats for Larger Racial Problems That Society Ignores," he cites as a problem the destructive character of black inner-city culture; in "A New Look at the Declaration of Independence," he reviews Danielle Allen's book, Our Declaration, and reactions to it; in "Urging Jews to Flee France Is Calling for a Posthumous Victory for Hitler," responds to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's appeal to French Jews following a terrorist attack.

Mark Hendrickson, in "The FCC Versus Internet Freedom," shows why the FCC's proposed regulation of the internet is so terrible; in "Elizabeth Warren Is Right (Sort Of)," he exposes how the progressive Sen. Warren's policies to aid the middle class are already doing harm; in "The EU's Nightmare in the 'Hotel California'," he sees Europe's situation - big government disease - and foretells, in chilling detail, what's going to happen; in "Kim Kardshian, Ronny Porta, and Other Beautiful People," he writes about beauty that is not shallow.

Herbert London, in "The Foreign Policy Failures of 2014," outlines a world in chaos, and President Obama's abdication of leadership; in "A Strategy for the Middle East," he proposes a NATO-like alliance of Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait opposing ISIS and Iran, with the U.S. and, even Israel, offering assistance; in "Netanyahu Should Be Honored, Not Boycotted," he responses to the Israeli Prime Minister's address to the Joint Session of Congress; in "Post-structuralism as National Fantasy," he cites example from literature, campus politics, and foreign policy where our leaders reject obvious reality in favor of pretended truths; in "Hezbollah and Its Quandary," he reveals Hezbollah's precarious situation.

Paul Kengor, in "Here's the Guy Rudy Is Talking about: Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party No. 47544," backs up the former mayor of New York City - President Obama was influenced in his youth by a Communist; in "'It Was a Real Killing Field' - Remembering Iwo Jima," he writes of his conversation with Bill Young, a Marine who fought in the battle; in "Remembering Roe: A Forgotten Warning from Ronald Reagan," he quotes from a speech given in 1987.

In "Does the Faith of Presidents Matter?" Gary Smith poses questions, and shows how faith did prompt many presidents to govern as they did.

Thomas Martin, in "A Teacher's Morning," uses Plato's allegory of the cave to consider his students' use of modern media.

Dave Winnes tells how he came to his profession, the evolution of the trade, and the differing types of management he encountered, in "Americans at Work: Mechanical Engineer."

Jigs Gardner, in "Letters From a Conservative Farmer: Owly Bob," describes a character who came by the area on occasion, and the responses he got from the locals.

Jigs Gardner, "Writers for Conservatives 54: The Flow of Life," describes . . . And Ladies of the Club, a novel about the activities of a woman's club in a small Ohio town from 1868 to 1932.

Read 5102 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 11:50
The St. Croix Review

The St. Croix Review speaks for middle America, and brings you essays from patriotic Americans.
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