Wednesday, 16 December 2015 11:59

Summary for February 2015

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The following is a summary of the February/March 2015 issue of the St. Croix Review:

Elizabeth Moss, in "Wartime Reflections," captures moments when W.W. II POWs of the Japanese, of many nationalities, felt liberated: the war was over, and rescue had arrived!

In the editorial, "The Gifts of Capitalism," Barry MacDonald details the benefits of the American free enterprise system.

In "Witness to the Wall, and to Socialized Medicine," Paul Kengor interviews George Schroeder, a physician who recently became an American citizen. George Schroeder has practiced medicine in many nations, and he details the failings of socialized medicine: decreased quality and access to care, leading to killer waiting lists.

Burke Brownfeld, a former police officer, in "Police Lives Matter, Too," calls for dialogue and empathy.

Allan Brownfield, in "When American Society Is Called 'Racist'- to What Is It Being Compared?" points out that when the Constitution was written slavery was legal everywhere in the world, and that America is exceptional for crusading against slavery; in "Anti-Police Rhetoric Misunderstands the Reality of Inner-city Life," he writes about the profound injustice done to police generally, and New York City Police in particular, by President Obama, New York Mayor de Blasio, and legions of Leftist agitators; in "Terror in Paris Raises the Question: Is the West Prepared for Jihadis Returning from Syria and Iraq?" he addresses comprehensive issues about assimilation and Islam; in "Confronting Torture: A Violation of American Values," he notes that the CIA was not honest with the White House about CIA actions, and that the use of very brutal techniques inescapably corrupts a government and, by extension, a people.

Mark Hendrickson, in "The Fed: Painted Into a Corner," doesn't see how the Fed can safely abandon its zero-interest-rate policy, even though interest rates cannot be suppressed forever; in "Heeding History's Lessons in the Search for the Right Macro-Economic Policies," he compares the wildly successful, laissez faire, economic solutions adopted in the 1920-21 depression with the interventionist, deficit spending, policies applied a decade later that lengthened and deepened the Great Depression; in "Countering Egalitarian Ingratitude with 'Thanks!' for Wealth Creators on Thanksgiving Day," he exposes the pride, foolishness, and blindness of intellectuals.

Herbert London, in "The Virus of Violence," writes about the worldwide and national eruption of violence, used as a political tactic, and its daunting power of intimidation; in "Strategic Stability in the Second Nuclear Age," he discusses the emerging dangers posed by Iran's drive for Nuclear weapons; in "What We Are "Sure" We Know about Foreign Policy," he writes about a disorientating flux in which long-standing assumptions underlying foreign policy no longer apply.

Paul Kengor, in "Is Obama Still Relevant?" assesses President Obama's power from now on; in "Wolfboy and Princess Cupcake: The Complementarity of the Sexes," he reaffirms the ideal form of a family, headed by a father and mother.

In "Students Beware: A University Degree Without Humanity," Thomas Martin identifies two types of human vision, and he asserts what a university education should be.

In "Cause of the Pause in Global Warming," Fred Singer discusses several theories for the absence of the warming of the climate.

In "The Cost of Class Unconsciousness," John Ingraham writes of fracking, mining, and economic decline.

Jigs Gardner, in "The Indian's Pig," describes the butchering of pigs, and human relations, much in the style of Ernest Hemingway.

Jigs Gardner, in "Three African Stories," describes three wonderful novels.

Read 4671 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 11:51
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