Wednesday, 16 December 2015 10:48

Summary for February 2013

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The following is a summary of the February/March 2013 issue of the St. Croix Review:

Barry MacDonald, in "Lessons from the Life of John Quincy Adams," shows what advocates of right-sized government should learn from this great American statesman.

Mark Hendrickson, in "Economic Outlook for 2013: ZIRP, Zombies, and the Japanization of the American Economy," believes that President Obama prefers meager growth in the private sector and chronic overspending; in "Romney and Ryan Didn't Cut It in a Time for Radicalism," he says Republicans need to adopt "radical" policies that really do reduce federal spending; in "Don't Be Fooled, No Union Rights Were Lost in Right-to-Work Michigan," he says that unions never had the "right" to force unwilling workers to pay union dues; in "Compromise or Gridlock in Washington: Unpalatable Alternatives," he asks, if compromise leads to disaster, can it be good?

Allan Brownfeld, in "The 'Fiscal Cliff' - and the Continuing Refusal to Face Our Real Financial Dilemma," writes that deep structural reforms are being ignored; in "The Founding Fathers Would Be Disappointed with Contemporary Government, but They Wouldn't Be Surprised," he says that the Founders believed that humans were "no angels," and so they framed a government of limited powers; in "Politicians - of Both Parties - Talk About Reducing the Debt, But No One Seems Willing To Do What Is Necessary to Do So," he writes that politicians refuse to cut programs that have strong constituencies; in "One Form of Government Assistance No One Mentions: Corporate Welfare," he writes that neither party has addressed corporate welfare, and thus neither party is serious about cutting spending.

Herbert London, in "The Future of the Republican Party," reminds us of the principles we hold; in "Hollowing Out the U.S. Navy," he says decline is a choice President Obama is making."

Paul Kengor, in "America's Growing Government Class," details the rapid increase of government workers and of Americans dependent on government funds; in "Slouching from Gomorrah: Remembering Robert Bork," he pays tribute to the life of a worthy judge; in "President Obama and the 'Intelligence Brief' Scandal," he reveals that for the week leading up to 9/11, 2012, attacks on our diplomatic posts, President Obama failed to attend a single briefing; in "Reverend Rubio? The Media Begins Its Attack on Marco Rubio," he writes on how to handle booby-trap questions from reporters.

In "Sustainable Development, or Unsustainable Romanticism?" Paul Driessen debunks the reasoning of UN activists who seek enormous power for the purpose of saving the planet.

In "From Atheism to Christianity: A Personal Journey," Philip Vander Elst gives a reasoned defense of Christianity. The writings of C. S. Lewis were most influential in his conversion.

In "Versed in Country Things," Jigs Gardner writes of the layers of a slowly dissipating illusion, and preparations for leaving the farm.

Jigs Gardner, in "Writers for Conservatives: Crevecoeur's America," describes the Frenchman's experience of the colonies during the Revolution, and shows how Letters from an American Farmer captures American Exceptionalism.

In "Survey of Conservative Magazines: 'Singletons,'" Fayette Durlin and Peter Jenkin discuss an article by Jonathan Last in The Weekly Standard about American demographics-a fresh and unexpected view.

Read 4464 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:19
The St. Croix Review

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