Saturday, 05 December 2015 05:14

Summary for December 2012

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The following is a summary of the December 2012 issue of the St. Croix Review:

In "What Now?" Barry MacDonald addresses the result of the presidential election.

Michael S. Swisher, in "America's Best Colleges! Really?" writes about the corrosion of ethics emanating from American universities, and what can be done about it.

Mark Hendrickson, in "An Open Letter to Mitt Romney," thanks him for his valiant efforts, remarking that he will be spared much anguish, given the make-up of the electorate, in trying to solve problems without possible solutions presently; in "The Great American Policy Divide, and the Democratic Temptation," he says a growing number of Americans are intent on seizing the wealth of the successful through government confiscation; in "The Unstoppable March Toward National Bankruptcy: Who's to Blame?" he affixes blame, and he lets us know the Democrat plan following national bankruptcy; In "What the Obama Phone Tells Us About America's Health," he writes about big and small aspects of the "culture of thievery" corrupting America; in "The Kind of Energy Policy the U.S. Needs," after showing how rich America is in energy resources, he states six solutions to our energy problems.

Allan Brownfeld, in "Thanksgiving: A Time to Reflect Upon America's Uniqueness," gives examples of America's enduring strengths; in "Can a Free Society Endure if the Values Needed to Sustain It Are Not Transmitted?" he says that a free society depends upon a virtuous people; in "What Does an Epidemic of Cheating Tell Us About Today's American Society?" he writes that the teachers are showing students how to cheat, with dreadful consequences for all of us; in "A Look at Late 20th Century America from a Perceptive and Talented Observer," he reviews the life and writings of the celebrated columnist, Joe Sobran.

Herbert London, in "Sandy Slams New York," describes the horrible effects of hurricane Sandy on New York City; in "Coming Apart Over Sequestration," he lays out the consequences of the approaching cuts to the Navy for the nation's security; in "Obama's Ship of State Without a Helmsman," he makes the case that President Obama has no worthy vision of America's role among nations; in "Cover-up 2012," he writes that the press has been derelict in its duty to seek the truth about what happened to the American consulate in Benghazi.

Paul Kengor, in "America's Fundamental Transformation," writes about the consequences of the election; in "Our First 'Red Diaper Baby' President?" he looks at the influential people in President Obama's life who were Communists or sympathizers; in "Communism on Parade? High School Marches to Marx and Lenin," he discusses the widespread American ignorance of the evilness of Communism; in "On Libya Three Decades Ago: We Should Remember Reagan's Resolve," he describes Reagan's clearness of purpose which has stood the test of time.

Jigs Gardner, in "Greenism: Strategy, Roots, Consequences," says that Green ideologues view humans as a cancer on the earth, and that we should be denied the benefits of technological advancement. Greenism is an ideology as inhumane as Communism and Nazism - a fact unrecognized by just about everyone. And, ironically, Greenism is harmful to the environment.

In "Fortunate Friendships with Russell Kirk and Bill Buckley," Timothy Goeglein recounts his warm memories to two extraordinary men.

In "Versed in Country Things - The Portent," Jigs Gardner writes about a startling event, about picking mushrooms, about hands-on and book learning, and about the strange quirks of country folks.

Jigs Gardner, in "The Red Badge of Courage," puts his finger on why Stephen Crane's novel on the Civil War succeeds.

In "There Oughtta Be a Law. . . ." Joseph S. Fulda takes after New York City policemen who accept favors from merchants on their beat.

Read 4170 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:18
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