Saturday, 05 December 2015 05:10

Summary for August 2012

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The following is a summary of the August 2012 issue of the St. Croix Review:

In "Barack Obama - A New Type of Hero," Barry MacDonald reveals the president's true character, which is out of tune with America's spirit.

Herbert London, in "The Supreme Court Upholds Obamacare: A Sad Day for America," lists the many reasons the courts decision is troubling; in "Obama's Julia," he cites the Obama's campaign creation of "Julia," a made-up person who represents President Obama's view: an ordinary woman who can't succeed without government's helping hand; in "The Sleepers We Choose to Ignore," he outlines the continuing threat militant Islam poses to America; in "European Future on the Ropes," he says the era of cradle to grave entitlements is over, and America will be effected by Europe's disease; in "Betrayal from Within," he cites examples of a left wing agenda, and a neglect of the best interests of Jews in two Jewish American organizations; in "Freedom and Constraints," he argues that constraints are needed to avoid licentiousness, confusion, and despair.

Mark W. Hendrickson, in "The Question of More or Less Government," writes that deficit spending is wrong and dangerous - the federal government should shrink; in "The Euro Is a Frankenstein Currency," he says the euro is a monstrosity doomed to be rent asunder; in "Mitt and Me: Romney at Cranbrook - a Personal Glimpse," he tells what he knows from his experience of Mitt's character; in "Economics.

Allan Brownfeld, in "Out of Control Executive Authority Is a Growing Threat to Representative Government," shows how President Obama has become judge, jury, and executioner; in "To Reduce Government - and Debt - We Must Change the Incentive Structure for Politicians," he explains why neither party reduces federal spending; in "Finally, Attention Is Being Focused on Our System of Excessive Public Pensions," he cites cases in Wisconsin, New Jersey, Illinois, and California; in "Black-On-Black Crime: A Subject Which the African-American Community, Finally, Must Confront," he shows evidence of dramatic reductions of white bigotry and exploding violence among blacks themselves; in "Finally, Taking a Long-Needed Second Look at Vocational Education," he cites many examples of successful schools and students.

Paul Kengor, in "A Dad Like Jack: the Influence of Ronald Reagan's Father," relates how Reagan came to love and rely on God, and his father; in "The Nation's Top 'Progressives'. . . and Socialists and Communists," he lists the Left's nefarious heroes; in "The Catholic Bishops v. Obama? President Obama and Justice Ginsburg on America's 'Rather Old Constitution'" he relates Obama's disregard for, and Ginsburg's dismissal of our Constitution; in "Allen West and His Critics," in response to West's allegations that many Democratic members of Congress are Communists, he takes three views; in "Cuba Backing Gay Marriage?" he comments on why Communists would support gay marriage: as a tool to attack marriage and the family.

William A. Barr, in "Pacific War - Minus the Atom Bombs," ponders declassified, Japanese and American, operational plans and draws a picture of unavoidably grisly consequences of a U.S. invasion of Japan.

Haven Bradford Gow writes a loving tribute to his father in "Life after Death."

Jigs Gardner, in "Versed in Country Things - Summer and Fall," tells how they got rid of an unwanted house guest, how they settled into chores, how neighbors behaved, and how they had fun.

In "H. L. Mencken," Jigs Gardner writes of the brilliant, prodigious, one-of-kind stylist, along with his deep flaws of character, which he suffered from. He was America's first of the "adversary culture."

In An Extraordinary Essay," Fayette Durlin and Peter Jenkin review an essay by James Piereson, "The Fourth Revolution," using history as a guide to conclude that the New Deal governance is nearing collapse. Debt, obligations impossible to meet, stagnation, and political paralysis will bring about the end.

Robert DeMuro, in "Americans at Work Series: Country Doctor," tells how childhood chores on a dairy farm prepared him, how his early training misinformed him, and how the new government formulas fill him with misgiving.

In "Chickens and Reactionaries," John Ingraham explains the economics of raising chickens, and he takes a swipe at "Country Fakes"- leftists who profess to know more about what's best for the countryside than people who live and work there.

In "The American Pantry-Vera Bisek: Old World Baker," Cornelia Wynne tells an archetypal story, a Czechoslovakian couple who come to Brooklyn practically penniless and who eventually find their way. Vera's recipe is for Apple Strudel.

Read 4335 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:17
The St. Croix Review

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