Saturday, 05 December 2015 05:05

Summary for February 2012

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The following is a summary of the February, 2012, issue of The St. Croix Review.

In "Angus MacDonald - Rebel and Intellectual, 1923 to 2011," Barry MacDonald writes about Angus' formative years, his extraordinary character, and the America that he loved.

Mike Swisher, in "Angus MacDonald," relates his impressions of Angus from the 1960s: Angus loved America as immigrants often do, and he founded the St. Croix Review to defend America from the religious Left.

Angus MacDonald, in "Singing Stones," presents the meaning of Palm Sunday.

In "The Sympathetic Samaritan," Larry Christenson has a new take on an old tale.

Allan Brownfeld, in "Narrow Political Partisanship Obscures the Fact that Institutional Corruption Distorts Our Political Life," shows how both Democrats and Republicans enrich themselves legally through practices that would land ordinary citizens in jail; in "Is It Really 'Racist' to Insist that Voters Identify Themselves at the Polls?" he asks why the Justice Department is blocking state laws requiring photo ID; in "In an Increasingly Post-Racial Society, the Realization Is Growing that Not All Black Americans Think Alike," he says the suppression of dissent and differences within the black community for the sake of "unity" is beginning to weaken.

Herbert London, in "The Romney Hatchet Job," counters a recent profile of Romney by the New York Times; in "The End of the European Union?" he says that we are seeing the failure of well-meaning ideas, and now the Europeans need to roll up their sleeves and get to work; in "Israel and the Existential Threat," he describes the international and domestic political situation; in "Having Holder Resign," he makes the case why U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder should go; in "Is the College Experience Worth It?" he believes a consensus is forming that a college education is no guarantee for higher wages, and may not be worth going into debt for; in "The Vanishing Western Tradition," he laments that colleges are no longer offering courses on Western Civilization, and he makes the case for preserving our civic culture and the historical memory of our civilization.

Paul Kengor, in "On Vaclav Havel - and Chris Hitchens," writes about the Cold War hero and the intellectual on the occasion of their deaths; in "A Kim-Less Christmas," he writes about the tyrant on the occasion of his death; "Two Septembers: When Wall Street Erupted," he compares the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement with a bombing on Wall Street almost a century ago - both happened on the same date; in "Deer Season a Half-Century Ago," he recaptures a time when life was simpler.

Mark Hendrickson, in "China's 'Superior' Economic Model?" responds to a former American Union Boss' lavish praise of the Chinese Communists' economic system; in "When Clarence Thomas Came for a Visit," he relates the uplifting experience of meeting Clarence Thomas at Grove City College; in "Barry and the Babe," he praises Barry Bonds and Babe Ruth.

Jigs Gardner, in "Versed in Country Things - the Test of Winter," relates the day his cow ran off, the first slaughtering of a pig, and the dissolving of friendships due to his separation from their world.

Cornelia Wynne launches a new series in the St. Croix Review: "The American Pantry - Exploring Melting Pot Cookery," that aims to honor our culture by tracing how our various immigrants have merged their ethnic heritage with ours. The first recipe is Mike Swisher's Dutch pie crust.

In "Greenism Anatomized," Jigs Gardner reviews. Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them, by Steve Millory.

Fayette Durlin and Peter Jenkin, in "Conservative Magazines, A Survey - Post Mortems on 9/11," are about a few articles in three magazines that focus on our interactions with Muslims at home and abroad.

Read 4236 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:21
The St. Croix Review

The St. Croix Review speaks for middle America, and brings you essays from patriotic Americans.
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