Saturday, 05 December 2015 04:55

Summary for April 2012

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The following is a summary of the April 2012 issue of The St. Croix Review.

In "Steve Jobs, A Life of Consequence," Barry MacDonald pins down from where the torrent of creativity came.

Paul Kengor, in "The Obama Mandate to Catholics: 'To Hell with You!'" reports on the arrogance of President Obama in forcing Catholics to pay for contraceptives and abortifaciets; in "Readying Romney for the Class-Warfare Machine," he writes about President Obama's strategy for reelection: paint Mitt Romney as a "Wall Street Raider"; in "On Santorum, Democrats, and 'God's Will,'" he puts the media upset with Rick Santorum's religiosity in perspective: the media ignore or support the many occasions when Democrats sermonize on God; in "Satan and Santorum: Perspective from Reagan's Evil Empire Speech," he compares Rick Santorum with Ronald Reagan.

Herbert London, in "Armageddon 2012" forecasts an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear facilities - the Obama administration will get a 24-notice; in "The Tipping Point," he says we are reaching the point where a majority of Americans are becoming dependent on government services; in "The Jeremy Lin Story," he tells how Jeremy Lin rose from nowhere to lead the New York Knicks, and shows what makes him different from every other basketball star; in "College Tuition Rates and the Free Market," he advocates reduced subsidies and market forces as a method for making college affordable again; in "The Other University Bubble," he sees a profusion of worthless courses under the umbrella of the Liberal Arts - he believes we need to return to timeless quality.

Mark W. Hendrickson, in "The Election-Year Politics of Energy," shows how illogical, self-defeating, and unnecessary the President's energy policies are; in "Upheavals in American Education: The Start of Something Big?" he notes sprouting movements against teacher's unions; in "People Say the Darnedest Things," he quotes some revealing comments made by President Obama and his top aides; in "Sports, Concussions, and Contemporary American Culture," he says professional hockey and football should take care to limit brain damage of players; in "A Whiff of Privatization," he believes there are many, many portions of the federal government that could be moved into the competitive market; in "The Tax Rate Scandal," he reveals how capital benefits wage earners, and how both parties are unwilling to face the dire consequences of out-of-control spending - the real scandal.

Allan Brownfeld, in "Eighty-four Percent of Americans Disapprove of Congress: Their Contempt Is Justified," describes a bipartisan system that channels money to politicians both while in office and once they retire to become lobbyists; in "We Must Recognize a New Threat to Freedom in the Name of 'National Security'" he warns that a new law allows the President to detain indefinitely any American citizen on U.S. soil, without a hearing before a judge or a charge filed, if the American is suspected of ties to terrorists; in "The Arab Spring: Understanding the Promise and Peril of Revolution in the Middle East" he describes unfolding events, youthful actors, and the part new media, such as Facebook, is playing.

Robert L. Wichterman, in "Our Two Wars with Radical Islam," looks at our present-day conflict with al Qaeda through an historical lens.

In "The Plight of Afghan Women," Edith E. Muesing-Ellwood describes the hardships women endure.

In "Partner Benefits at the University of Nebraska," Thomas Martin comments on the extension of health care benefits for same-sex and opposite-sex partners to employees of the university.

Jigs Gardner, in "The Test of Winter, Part II," describes the lengths he and his wife went to get water to the farm, once the pipes froze, and tells how he learned to tap and prepare maple syrup.

In "Francis Parkman, 1823-93," Jigs Gardner shares descriptions, by the American historian, of the first European pioneers of America, especially of the French, and shows why the British fared best.

In "Survey of Conservative Magazines: On Same-Sex Science and Other Things," Fayette Durlin and Peter Jenkin touch on known facts about homosexuality, implications of the "adversary culture," Obamacare's impositions on religious freedom, Ron Paul, and more.

In "The American Pantry - Exploring Melting Pot Cookery," Cornelia Wynne passes on a Chippewa recipe for Venison Chili.

Michael S. Swisher reviews The Man in the Middle, by Timothy S. Goeglein, who wrote an insider's account of the Bush White House where he served as an assistant to the president.

Read 4483 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:21
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