Saturday, 05 December 2015 04:47

Finding Something to Believe In

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Finding Something to Believe In

Barry MacDonald - Editorial

When our politicians preach, they try to convince us of their reasonableness, "the rightness," of some action they intend to take. They inspire by speaking of the bonds holding us all together and point to some noble purpose.

Tribal loyalty is easy to grasp, as it is based on the family, an intimate group. Governing a nation of 300 million of differing ethnicities is no picnic. The attempt to gather a majority to win an election is a sophisticated art.

In the last election candidate Obama was eloquent and inspirational. President Obama has squandered so much support because his relentlessly partisan and deceitful actions belie his campaign speeches. It's clear by now he's just another politician who says one thing and does another.

The problem following in the wake of someone like President Obama is the arising of, or perhaps a resurgence of, a cynicism toward the entire political system. Do all the politicians lie? Are they only in it for themselves? Is politics only a system for dividing the spoils among insiders?

The purpose of The St. Croix Review is to perpetuate the best of American culture, while letting go of what is unworthy. Just as we are in love with our neighborhoods, and have become attached to the minutest features of the houses, parks, and streams nearby, or to the habits and personalities of neighbors and friends, the writers of The St. Croix Review want to keep alive the ideal that America and her ways and manners is home.

Words are important only in as much as they are an honest attempt at conveying the truth. The problem today is that few believe what our leaders have to say. There is a sense that everything coming out of Washington D.C. is focus-grouped and poll-tested. And everyone bringing the packaged words is suspect: how much can we believe really?

After all Washington, D.C. covers only a small portion of the landscape, and we have the ability to dispose of deceitful leaders. What the American people need most is a proper view of the problems confronting the nation, so that we don't become confused and divided, bickering among ourselves. The St. Croix Review provides a clear view of problems and solutions.

There are many essays in this issue about the struggles of soldiers. The soldiers who have sacrificed so much know how lucky they are to live in America, "the land of opportunity." The following was sent to me in response to the announcement of our annual dinner at which Jigs Gardner spoke:

Mr. MacDonald Sir:
Thank you kindly for the yearly expenditure of your body and soul in the production of your wonderful and satisfying conservative publication.
I note this year that the dining-in event will be on 11 Nov. Some of us Alaska boys can't make that but send a thank you to those who plan, execute, and supervise the traditional dinner. Too bad you don't have some fresh pacific salmon.
The 11th of November is also Veteran's Day, and this year it is 11-11-11! Won't see that again for a century. As a vet (24 years in the Army and a couple in combat) I think we do appreciate the topic that Mr. Gardner will address because we were part of that force that backed up the political and economic stance of the USA with the weapon to our shoulders, so to speak. We knew when we entered the service that there would be days (years) of family separation and turmoil, conditions that were unpleasant, and actions to complete that were expected of boots on the ground. There were remarkably delightful times like coming home to the USA and wanting to kiss the tarmac, to salute the stars and stripes and hug our loved ones. But we came home! Many of our comrades were killed in action, the KIAs. They gave it all in support of our country regardless of politics, part, or position. If you see fit, Sir, ask Mr. Gardner to consider acknowledging the Military on 11-11-11, even briefly, the veteran survivors and the families of the fallen will be very grateful.
Peace! Thanks again for your work on The St. Croix Review.
Thomas H. Webster
LTC. U.S. Army (Ret.)
Read 4160 times Last modified on Saturday, 05 December 2015 10:47
The St. Croix Review

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