Sunday, 29 November 2015 03:47

Summary for October 2010

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The following is a summary of the October 2010 issue of the St. Croix Review:

In the "The Enduring American," Barry MacDonald contrasts the ordinary, honest, hard-working American with the political and cultural elite.

Mark Hendrickson, in "Three Neglected Economic Lessons from American History," writes about the history of sound money, the Constitution's bulwark against excessive government spending, and government's harmful responses to recessions; in "More Lessons from History: How Obamanomics May Play Out," he says the larger the government's share of GDP the slower economic growth; in "Geithner Versus the Bush Tax Cuts," he believes the point of Obama's policies is to grab control of as much economic activity as possible, make more people dependant on government, and redistribute wealth; in "Rethinking the Corporate Income Tax," he explains why there is nothing good to say about the corporate income tax; in "Global Warming -- The Big Picture" he reviews Brian Sussman's Climategate.

Allan Brownfeld, in "An Early Conservative Leader Reflects on How America -- and the Republican Party -- Lost Its Way and How We Can Find Our Way Back," relates Tom Paulken's program of action to take the Republican party back from opportunists, pragmatists, and phony conservatives; in "National Debt Is Described as a Fiscal "Cancer" and a Threat to National Security," he lays out the details of our challenge.

John Ingraham, in "Timely Words from Davy Crockett," relates the story of how Horatio Bunce taught Davy Crockett the meaning of the Constitution.

Herbert London, in "The Mosque on Sacred Ground," views the placing of a Mosque near Ground Zero to be an insult; in "The Wild Turkish Card," he notes the growing estrangement between the U.S. and Turkey and considers consequences; in "Oliver Stone and Hugo Chavez," he describes the latest deceitful film produced by Oliver Stone lauding the South American dictator; in "Thought Control at Augusta State University," he relates the brutal enforcement of political correctness on campus; in "The Arts in the Obama Age," he shows how the National Endowment for the Arts is becoming a propaganda tool of the Obama Administration.

In "The Federal Reserve's Historic Announcement," Fred Kingery sees a turning point at which the Fed has determined to compromise its roles to preserve the purchasing power of the dollar and conduct a monetary policy that supports full employment.

In "When They Dropped the Bomb -- Remembering August 1945," Paul Kengor writes about the desperate circumstances leading to the atomic bombings that ended WW II.

In "How Much Risk Is Too Much?" Robert T. Smith explains the "Precautionary Principle" that balances economic activity or human behavior against its potential harm to the environment, so that guidance for regulation is provided. He shows that environment activists are hijacking the principle to advance a political agenda.

In "The Lasting Consequences of World War I," Michael S. Swisher brings to life layers of forgotten history.

Thomas Martin, in "What's Wrong with the World," uses the 100th anniversary of the publication of G. K. Chesteron's book of the same title to comment on a lost grip of sound virtues by which to guide behavior.

In "Whose 'Good'?" Piers Woodriff believes that the modern "intellectual" has no definition for what is "good" and thus has no method for reliable guidance of behavior.

Gillis J. Harp, in "Are We All Ideologues Now?" describes the Ideologue as a thinker whose views induce blindness.

In "News About America," Jigs Gardner looks at David Hackett Fisher's Albion's Seed, that describes four waves of immigrants who each brought distinctive values and traits that together have made up the original American character: each shared fierce independence.

Joseph Fulda describes a messy and prodding experience with airport officials in "Across the Continent with the TSA."

Read 4315 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:27
The St. Croix Review

The St. Croix Review speaks for middle America, and brings you essays from patriotic Americans.
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