Sunday, 29 November 2015 03:42

Summary for June 2010

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The following is a summary of the June 2010 issue of the St. Croix Review:

In "Turning Point," Barry MacDonald writes that the time has come for politicians to make hard financial choices.

Mark Hendrickson, in "The Governing Elite vs. the Rest of Us," details the lavish benefits and salaries federal and state government employees receive, at the expense of taxpayers who receive far less; in "The VAT-Man Cometh?" he writes that a value added tax would be destructive and harm the vulnerable most; in "Sen. Dodd's Financial Reform Bill: The Problem of Leverage," he writes that the proposed legislation would give the executive branch the authority to shut down private companies if they were thought to be failing -- such power would make "vassals and serfs" of financial institutions; in "The 'Social Justice' Fallacy? Wolves in Sheep's Clothing," he says "The Lord's mission was to redeem us from sin, not to redistribute our property or impose an economic equality on us"; in "Financial Intrigue in Greece: Should We Care?" he says yes we should -- through the IMF American taxpayer money would be involved in a bailout, and our national deficits and debt are approaching the size of Greece's.

Herbert London, in "Brzezinski, Obama, and Foreign Policy Reconceptualization," describes a "failure" in policy; in "The Conservatives' Road to Recovery," he reviews Emmett Tyrrell's book in which Tyrrell sees the need to reclaim the culture from radical elitists; in "Start Up May Be a Start Down," he enumerates the demerits of the President's new START treaty with the Russians concerning nuclear weapons; in "ACT Reviews Education in America," he discusses the many problems of America's schools.

Allan Brownfeld, in "Skepticism of Government Is Growing: The Founding Fathers Would Be Pleased" he says both parties have incurred scorn because of profligate spending and grasping of power; in "To Defeat Terrorism It Is Essential that We Understand the Motivation of Those Who Have Declared War Against Us," he writes that our political leaders don't see that Muslims oppose us because of the roles we play; in "Despite Promises to Curb Lobbyists in Washington, A New Golden Age Is Emerging," he details business better than ever, with retired politicians of both parties making tons of money.

Sean Varner, in "One-Sided Arms Control," reviews the details of the new START treaty that President Obama signed with Russia. He believes that the president conceded too much, compromised American interests, benefited the Russians, and weakened international security and stability.

In "The Great American Debt 'Roll,'" Fred Kingery describes the catastrophic effects of accumulating national debt.

David Bean, in "Economics 101," lays out the hidden and pernicious effects of taxation on the production of goods and services from raw material to finished product: a dramatic rise in prices and a deprecation of currency.

In "The Politics of Arrogance," Marvin Folkertsma compares President Obama to historical figures who brought their nations to the brink, or the reality, of disaster because of arrogance; in "Barack and the Buchanan Precedent," he draws lessons of cluelessness and spinelessness from both men; in "When Regimes Reach Insanity," he shows how an educated populace, sophistication, and technological savvy aren't enough to save a nation from awful leaders.

Paul Kengor, in "God Gets His Healthcare Bill," looks at the lengths the Religious Left will go to justify government power; in "Buchenwald and the Totalitarian Century," he reveals how the Soviets kept the Nazi concentration camps in operation after WW II; in "Speaking Truth to History: A Perfect Game," he comments on a movie, "The Perfect Game," about poor Mexican kids who overcame hardship to win the Little League World Series in the 1950s -- it is a story of faith, hope, and the American dream.

In "Progressing Backwards," Jarrett Skorup shows that the solutions climate-change alarmists propose -- wind, solar, biodiesel, and light rail -- have already been tried and have proven to be failures.

In "The Character of George Washington," Gary Scott Smith explains why George Washington is often valued as the best American president.

Robert L. Wichterman, in "America's Moral Condition," describes the nations' various faiths as in flux and under attack by the progressive Left.

In "My University Is Closed for the Summer," Thomas Martin shows what is lost with the expansion of on-line university courses: "a teacher will not hear a pulse pick up and carry the energies of new life in an active mind."

Jigs Gardner, in "Westerns," surveys this uniquely American genre, and examines one nonfiction book that captures the essence of the cowboy.

Gillis J. Harp reviews Jennifer Burns' biography: Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right, depicting the inspiring and off-putting qualities of this powerful writer who helped shape post-WW II conservative thought; Robert C. Whitten reviews Brian Sussman's ClimateGate, that explores the motives, science, and politics involved in the recent scandal.

Read 4309 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:29
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