Sunday, 29 November 2015 03:20

Summary for August 2009

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The following is a summary of the August 2009 issue of the St. Croix Review:

In the Editorial "Read the Bill Before Voting Congressman!" Barry MacDonald looks at the dreadful results of rushed legislation.

Mark W. Hendrickson, in "Obama's Two Achilles' Heels," sees how Obama could quickly lose his popular appeal; in "Team Obama's Auto Coup," he points out seven reasons why Obama should have stayed out of the car business; in "Opening Pandora's Box: Classifying CO2 as a 'Pollutant'," he demonstrates the folly of regulating CO2; in "A Closer Look at the IPCC," he believes the United Nation's panel is a "political" body willing to resort to scientific fraud; in "Economic Strangulation: The Environmentalist/Democrat War Against Energy," he writes that the purpose of green energy is to cripple the economy.

Herbert London, in "Do I Live in America?" borrows a literary device to imagine he has just awakened up from a slumber begun in 1965; in "The Ugly American," he writes that in the "age of Obama" we have not the Ugly but the "Apologetic American"; in "The Iranian Election in Historic Terms," he describes the dilemma President Obama faces in deciding how to use "soft" power with the Iranian mullahs; in "Is Iowa at the Cusp of Change," he sees grassroots anger building in Iowa among Democrats and Republicans at what is seen as a power-grab by President Obama; in "Obama on D Day," he show why, "there has never been a force for good more notable than the United States military."

Allan Brownfeld, in "The Sotomayor Nomination -- Hopefully a Last Gasp for Identity Politics," he cites speeches in which she talks about her "Latina soul," and "Latina voice"; in "The Ricci Decision and a More Color-blind Society," he writes about the Supreme Court's resolution of the case of the white firefighters who were denied promotion because of their race; in "The Time Has Come to Finally Confront an Unresolved Act of Radical Violence: the 1970 San Francisco Police Station Bombing" he relates the evidence against William Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn and calls for justice.

Paul Kengor, in "Economic Stimulus 101: Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics," compares the current president's out-of-control spending with President Reagan's careful stewardship.

In "A Prescription for American Health Care," John Goodman sees crushing tax increases or broken promises in the future for American taxpayers as the huge bills for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid come due. He believes that we must free doctors and patients from government control; and he shows how the free market is already working in delivering inexpensive and quality health care.

In "Culture Makes or Breaks an Ordered Free Society," John Howard asserts a vital need for moral guidance for American society.

Robert L. Wichterman, in "The Myth of a 'Wall of Separation' between Government and Religion," looks at the neglected part of the First Amendment to the Constitution, the section prohibiting government interfence in the free exercise of religion.

In "Mr. Jefferson," Robert Thornton defends our third president from the politically correct attacks of present-day biographers.

In "Baseball, America, and the 21st Century," Andrew J. Harvey goes to bat for baseball as the quintessentially American game.

Jiggs Gardner, in "The Curious Case of Somerset Maugham," knows why this fluent, polished writer never became more than second rate.

John Ingraham reviews Little Pink House, A True Story of Defiance and Courage, by Jeff Benedict. Jeff Benedict tells the story of Susette Kelo, who owned the pink house, and the infamous Supreme Court decision, Kelo Vs. New London.

Read 4171 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:32
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