Sunday, 29 November 2015 03:12

Summary for April 2009

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The following is a summary of the April 2009 issue of the St. Croix Review:

In the editorial, "Breathtaking Duplicity," Barry MacDonald discovers the character of the new president in the tactics he employed to pass the economic stimulus package in February.

Lieutenant John Morris describes a "beehive" of activity, as a military unit trains for war in "The Red Bulls Are Busy at North Fort Lewis."

In "'Only Government Can . . . '?-- Parsing Obama's Speech on the Economy," Mark Hendrickson looks at history and sees poor results for government intervention; in "Love the Economic Pain!" he looks at the selfishness and ruthlessness behind Obama's chief of staff's remarks; in "Team Obama: Ready to Rock 'n' Roll," he profiles the president's cabinet choices and sees trouble ahead; in "Tough Times for Wise Virgins," he uses a parable from Matthew to demonstrate how Obama will punish the prudent and reward the improvident; in "Assessing the Presidency of George W. Bush," he notes the former president's courage and failings.

In "Did President Bush Lie?" Herbert London reveals that "a huge stockpile" of "natural uranium" was taken out of Iraq and entered Canada, and the U.S. media has mainly ignored the story; in "Transformative Change," he sees wealth creation lose, and socialism gain in America; in "The American Exceptionalism Debate," he rebuts a British author who promotes "American Declinism"; in "Terrorists Returning to the Battlefield," he asserts that is better to hold on to the detainees at Guantanamo after the prison closes; in "Aid and Radical Islam," he writes that it is folly to believe militant Islamists can be bought off with Western cash.

In "Pay-for-Play in Illinois and Business as Usual in Washington: How Different Are They in Reality?" Allan Brownfeld exposes the everyday corruption of big-government.

John Sparks, in "The Employee Intimidation Act," explains the Obama administration's plan to take away an employee's right to a secret ballot when voting on whether to join a union.

In "Fed" Up? Money Lessons for 2009," Lee Wishing writes about the Federal Reserve, inflation, economic warfare during the Civil War, and a possible new type of bond to finance debt.

In "Freedom Works: Speaker Pelosi's Teachable Moment," Paul Kengor shows the reasons why collectivist Democrats seek to limit population growth.

Thomas Martin writes on education and slavery in "Einstein on Independent Thought."

In "The New York Times, the Watchdogs, and the Crusade to Destroy the Immigration Reform Movement," Elizabeth Wright exposes the underhanded methods of the Left.

In "The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam," John Coleman traces the origin of the uproar over CO2 emissions to a few opportunistic men.

Harry Neuwirth, in "The Essence of Liberty," considers how Americans have lost our appreciation for liberty, and what we must do to regain it.

In "Herman Melville (1819-91) -- Our Greatest Novelist -- Our Keenest Critic," Jigs Gardner writes about the rise and decline of the author of Moby Dick.

Read 4016 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:34
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