Friday, 23 October 2015 16:25

Summary for August 2007

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The following is a summary of the August 2007, issue of the St. Croix Review:

In the Editorial "Jefferson and Lincoln" Angus MacDonald reviews the lives and times of these eminent men who came to epitomize the parties they founded.

Herbert London, in "A Europe That Cannot Listen," writes that the Europeans refuse to understand the threat posed by Islamic terrorists, and they blame the U.S. for inciting the terrorists by fighting back; in "The American Courts as Allies of the Terrorists" he writes that some of the best legal minds in the country are occupied with giving terrorists constitutional protections; in "Democracy's Romantic Alternative" he believes that Western nations must counter the jihadist movement with our own brand of inspiration: one of hope, liberation, and human fulfillment; in "A New Prague Spring" he describes a gathering of heroes -- former political prisoners of the world's worst tyrannies; in "Fake Sentimentality" he looks at the shallow controversies, misplaced emotion, and hand wringing that occupies primetime T.V.; in "The Good Life?" after seeing chubby vacationers lolling on the beach in Hawaii, he concludes that Americans are just having too good a time to be distracted by the unpleasantness in the Middle East.

Allan Brownfeld, in "How the "Ghetto Mindset" Is Harming the Mores, Attitudes and Lifestyles of Both Our Urban Communities and the Larger American Society," shows that the entertainment industry is a contributing malefactor in the self-destruction of this generation of black youth; in "Assessing the Role -- and the Future -- of German Jews, the Fastest Growing Jewish Community in Europe" he describes the surprising rebirth of Jewish life in Germany.

Robert L. Wichterman sees our present clash with Islamists as a resumption of the original conflict more than two hundred years ago in "The Second Time Around."

In "Liberty Revisited" John Howard is guided by Edmund Burke to believe that "manners are more important than laws . . ." Howard believes that the Christian faith has been replaced by a do-your-own-thing ethos that renders good manners, morals, and standards dispensable. Howard believes that faith in God comes before civilized liberty.

Haven Bradford Gow writes about the spirit of religion and the spirit of the gentleman in "What Makes a Country Lovely."

In the "The Six Pillars of Achievement" William Barr sees a weakening faith in God as the source of a spreading cynicism, hedonism, and selfishness in our society. Our past should inspire us to regain our footing, as we have wonderful achievements, and have made historical contributions -- such as our constitution -- to world culture.

In "Reagan Lessons for Bush: Searching for 'Solidarity' in the Middle East," Paul Kengor relates that Reagan and his top advisors considered sending troops into Poland to discourage a looming Soviet invasion, but they decided on a safer, and successful, course of action.

In "'A Turning Point' Twenty-Five Years Ago," Paul Kengor writes of the alliance formed between President Reagan and Pope John Paul II against the Soviet Union, and the reaction of the U.S. press to Reagan's strong words for the Communists.

In "Who Really Pays the Taxes?" David J. Bean reveals all the hidden taxes that we pay.

In his "Writers for Conservatives: 10" Jigs Gardner covers the masterpiece written by Arnold Bennett, The Old Wives Tale. Mr. Gardner believes this to be one of the best novels written in English.

Joseph Fulda castigates clever attorneys who prosecute people because they are less than honest, or because they panic and unwittingly contradict themselves, during intense questioning, even though the original charges are discovered not to have happened in "Mr. Clinton, Mr. Bacanovic, Ms. Stewart, and Mr. Libby."

Del Meyers reviews Who Really Cares -- America's Charity Divide -- Who Gives, Who Doesn't and Why It Matters, by Arthur C. Brooks.

Read 4256 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:39
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