Friday, 23 October 2015 16:20

Summary for June 2007

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The following is a summary of the June 2007, issue of the St. Croix Review:

The editorial, "The Cost of a College Education," says students assume large debts because they cannot be sure of a good job without a college degree. We should realize that colleges have become trade schools, and trade schools of great worth are not limited to traditional colleges. Employers should act on that knowledge and entrepreneurs should fill the gap.

Allan Brownfeld discusses out-of-wedlock births, single parent homes, and a changing culture among poorer Americans in "Surge of Violent Crime Comes at the Same Time as a Decline in Family Life"; he reviews the uproar over the offensive words of radio "shock jock" Don Imus and discovers a large group who share responsibility in "The Imus Case Should Focus Attention on the Coarsening of Our Culture."

Herbert London, in "Rancor and Policy Decisions," writes that Democrats believe the war in Iraq is lost, and that the U.S. faces no threat from Islamic fanatics, while the Republicans have failed to make the American people aware of the magnitude of the threat of radical Islam; in "Making the World More Dangerous," he deplores the Bush Administration for following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton in his failed deal-making with North Korea and its nuclear weapons; in "The Death of Europe?" he presents evidence that Europeans have lost the ability to defend their freedom in the face of Islamic pressure; in "The San Francisco University Kangaroo Court" he writes that College Republicans stepped on Hezbollah and Hamas flags and University officials have decided to investigate; in "Yale Then and Now" he compares the virtues of the 1894 course catalogue with the shortcomings of the present-day catalogue.

Ralph Peters in "The De-Christianization of Europe" sees the decline of the Christian faith as a phase that will pass with an inevitable religious reawakening. He foresees conflict between native Europeans and Muslim immigrants, with the Muslims fleeing Europe as a result.

In "Nuclear Iran?" Victor Davis Hanson considers the threat posed by Iran, and its seemingly crazy president, and proposes several things the United States should do.

Paul Kengor believes that President Bush, in his struggle with Iran, should look to Ronald Reagan's use of economic warfare against the Soviet Union in "A Blast from the Past: How to Slow Iran's Terror Machine."

In "Our Overwhelming Victory Engine" William Barr writes about the little appreciated and mostly unacknowledged miracle that was the huge industrial output--producing the planes, ships, and tanks, etc.--on the home front of the United States that won WW II.

Thomas Martin, in "On Research at a University" says that most learning in high schools and universities impart "isolated facts disconnected from a philosophy of the whole." He believes that when a student enters a University he connects with intellectual ancestors to continue the "search for the truth of what it means to be a virtuous human being."

Dennis T. Avery and S. Fred Singer continue their discussion about global warming using research gained in the process of writing their recently published book: "Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years." This is the question and answer portion of their presentation.

Karl Peterjohn explains why he believes our descendants will be amused at our global warming delusions in "Who Do You Believe?"

In "Writers for Conservatives: 9--On the Frontier" Jigs Gardner writes about his love for the outdoors in his youth and his discovery of Francis Parkman's The Oregon Trail (1894). Parkman and other authors initiated him into the world of hunting and fishing that he sees as an important part of the American heritage.

In "Liberty's Debt to Criminals" Joseph Fulda shows that thieves who target social security numbers (SSNs) have kept the government from using the SSN as a personal identifier, and thereby the public benefits: the government will not use SSNs to infringe on our liberty.

Read 4307 times Last modified on Thursday, 02 November 2017 12:40
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