Wednesday, 15 December 2021 13:31

December 2021 Summary

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The following is a summary of the December/January issue of the St. Croix Review:

Barry MacDonald, in “A Jury Speaks in Kenosha, Wisconsin,” describes the quality of the daily news narrative as a propaganda tool used to attack America — he uses the case of Kyle Rittenhouse as an example.

Michael S. Swisher, in “Challenges Confronting Conservatives in the Coming Year,” sums up the state of the nation as an introduction to the October 14, 2021, St. Croix Review panel discussion.

Linda Stanton, in “Preserving the Legacy of Our Nation for Future Generations,” shares insightful, grass-roots advice on how Republicans can win elections.

Edwin J. Feulner, in “No Permanent Victories, No Permanent Defeats, Only Permanent Battles,” considers modern political history and finds reasons for optimism.

Philip Vander Elst, in “Conservatism and Foreign Policy,” offers seven principles as guidance in support of worldwide freedom and prosperity.

Paul G. Kengor, in “Critical Race Theory: Myths, Marxism, and More,” illustrates what CRT is and isn’t, and clearly shows how dehumanizing it is; in “My Year Without Baseball,” he talks about living without baseball this year because of MLB commissioner Rob Manfred’s politicization of the sport. He was surprised to discover that his baseball-loving friends had made the same decision.

Allan C. Brownfeld, in a Free Speech Is Endangered — Even in Discussing Climate Change at MIT,” tells the story of the cancellation of a speech by a geophysicist over identity politics (the story has a happy ending); in “Defunding the Police Loses at the Polls, but Police Accountability Remains an Important Issue,” he looks at the reasons anti-police candidates lost in recent elections, and he makes the case for continuing police reform; in “The New York City Council Removes a Jefferson Statue as the Assault on American History Continues,” he examines the complex history and personality of Thomas Jefferson, along with the historical boost that Jefferson gave to the advancement of liberty; in “Will American Freedom Survive into the Future?” he considers the odds of the survival of American history from a view of history.

Mark Hendrickson, in “Specious Theories Concocted to Justify Inflation,” explodes the Biden Administration’s flimflam excuses for bad economic policy; in “Current Tax Proposals: Critiquing Two Promises,” he exposes the shenanigans in the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and the proposed “Build Back Better” bill; in “Learning to Defuse Anger Through Respectful Dialogue,” he gives suggestions on how to talk about political differences, if possible, and remain friends.

Derek Suszko, in “The Advent of the Cipher Presidency,” advances a theory for how such a feeble President as Joe Biden serves the purposes of the establishment Left.

Francis DeStefano, in “Les Miserables,” compares the quality of music, the direction, the acting, and casting of the movie with the Broadway stage production; in “Pygmalion,” he reviews the 1938 British film, which would later be redone with the title “My Fair Lady”; in “Our Town,” he reviews a filming of an actual stage performance that stars an aged Paul Newman and a cast of unknowns who turn in fine performances. The play is a homage to traditional mores and morality that ennobled ordinary people.

Leonard R. Friedman, in “Rethinking Robert E. Lee,” reviews an essay on Robert E. Lee and comes to different conclusions from the author as to Lee’s character and his enduring legacy.

Jigs Gardner, in “Letter from a Conservative Farmer, Ominous Signs in the Democrat Party,” is disturbed by the emergence of anti-Israeli policies and of anti-Semitism among progressive Democrats.

Jigs Gardner, in “Writers for Conservatives, 90: The Blue and the Gray, compiled by Henry Steele Commager,” reviews a collection of primary source material that provides a comprehensive, on-the-ground view of the Civil War.

Read 2626 times
Barry MacDonald

Editor & Publisher of the St. Croix Review.
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