Tuesday, 05 October 2021 12:43

The Biden Bug-out

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The Biden Bug-out

Barry MacDonald

The following two paragraphs are from a transcript of President Biden’s remarks on the day after the United States concluded its two-decade war in Afghanistan:

“Last night in Kabul, the United States ended 20 years of war in Afghanistan, the most likely longest war in American History. We completed one of the biggest airlifts in history with more than 120,000 people evacuated to safety. That number is more than double what most experts thought were possible. No nation has ever done anything like it in all of history. Only the United States had the capacity, and the will and ability to do it, and we did it today.

“The extraordinary success of this mission was due to the incredible skill, bravery, and selfless courage of the United States military and our diplomats, and intelligence professionals. For weeks, they risked their lives to get American citizens, Afghans who helped us, citizens of our allies and partners, and others on board planes and out of the country.”

Further into the speech the President touted the “success” of evacuating 90 percent of the Americans who wanted to leave. The question is: Does he know how many Americans, and how many of the citizens of allied nations, and how many Afghani interpreters, and their families, were left behind? The State Department has provided only vague assessments of the numbers.

Does stranding 10 percent of our people in enemy country qualify as a success?

In his remarks, President Biden neglected to account for the fact that he ordered the withdrawal of American soldiers before American and allied citizens, thus leaving civilians tragically exposed. Americans and allies were forced to run a gauntlet of Taliban checkpoints, only to arrive at the Kabul airport where they had to wait crammed for hours amid a crowd of thousands before they could enter the airport. The crowd of desperate people outside of the gates of the airport made a perfect target for a suicide bomber. The terrorists did not lose the opportunity to kill 13 American soldiers and 200 hundred civilians, when a bomber ignited himself. The responsibility for these death lies entirely on President Biden, because his faulty decisions created the crush of people at the gates.

One marvels at the audacity of the claim that such an obvious fiasco is an “extraordinary success.” Does the president not know how calloused, arrogant, and foolish he seems? Does he not understand how transparently dishonest he appears?

The last months have been painful to watch, but within the tragedy and the outrage. there is hope for a better future — because the incompetence and the arrogance of our so-called elites have been exposed for all to see. Perhaps the American people will wake up to the fact that the president, and fellow travelers, are dishonest and fraudulent.

What we have witnessed in the Biden Administration’s negligent and cowardly withdrawal of U.S. military forces from Afghanistan is a culmination of failure. It is a failure of the American bureaucracy: Of the State Department, of the highest reaches of military leadership, and of the National Security Agency. It is a failure of President Biden’s, who may be physically and mentally unable to uphold his duties because of his age, and who also embodies the wrong-headed tendency of Leftists to downgrade American interests in favor of a fanciful “global” ethos. It also exposes the habitual dishonesty of elected and appointed Democrats when they defend the Biden Administration’s withdrawal.

Joe Biden’s lies are so transparent that the Leftist media can’t conceal them. President Biden claims that his administration planned “for every contingency.” Does he believe that setting an arbitrary deadline for withdrawal, and sticking to it, even when doing so guarantees that Americans and American allies are stranded behind enemy lines is a good result? How many American and allied deaths does he find acceptable? Is he prepared to ransom American and allied hostages? Does he believe that allowing the Taliban to capture billions of dollars’ worth of American weaponry is acceptable?

President Biden claimed that none of our allied governments disapproved of his plan — even as the British and German governments publicly condemned him. Does he understand the permanent damage he has done to America’s standing as a leading and faithful ally?

The debacle of the withdrawal from Afghanistan is so horrendous that it delegitimizes a wide array of the Leftist agenda. It is easily associated with the willingness of President Biden and the Democrats to allow Mexican drug cartels to overrun and control our southern border. It throws a starker light on the “Defund the Police Movement,” and the willingness of the U.S. Department of Justice, Democrat governors, mayors, and district attorneys to coddle Black Lives Matter, Antifa, rioters, and other violent criminals. And it puts into scandalous context the maniacal drive of Leftists to divide and conquer Americans by introducing Critical Race Theory into our public schools nationwide. It even colors the heavy-handed and ineffective leadership of the COVID-19 crisis.

The culmination of the failure of the Biden Administration is a catastrophe for the Left, because it becomes blindingly obvious, even to inattentive and lackadaisical Americans, that the Democrats have no worthy plans for the future. Every American can understand that elected and appointed Democrats don’t care about the safety of American citizens. Americans can now recognize the continuing debacle of Leftist government.

An enduring symbol of our surrender to the Taliban will be the photos of President Biden turning his back, walking away, and refusing to answer shouted questions about Afghanistan — disgraceful!     *

Read 2662 times
Barry MacDonald

Editor & Publisher of the St. Croix Review.

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