Monday, 24 May 2021 12:02

The Plight of Black America

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The Plight of Black America

Barry MacDonald — Editorial

Blacks in America are in crisis today. But the trouble has nothing to do with white supremacy, or systematic racism, or police bigotry. The people who created these denigrations of present-day America are cleverly and cynically using the leverage that these smears generate to advance a leftist political agenda.

The Democrats, the mainstream left-wing news media, Critical Race theorists, Black Lives Matter (a self-admitted Marxist organization), Antifa, propagandists masquerading as school and university administrators, teachers and professors, profane Hollywood loudmouths, and “woke” corporate indoctrinators are using the misery and deaths of black Americans to enrich themselves and to advance their careers. The heartless people who make up the Left in America today are using the misery of black Americans to intimidate and silence the Republican Party, and to intimidate and shame good-hearted Americans into submitting to a left-wing, statist, domination of society.

The Left uses the art of accusation to intimidate its opponents, and so far, its efforts have been successful. Racial animosity over the years has paid off hugely for the Democrats. The Democrats have perfected the community-organizing techniques of Saul Alinsky — to demonize the opposition and keep a pressure campaign going. Starting with the Twana Brawley hoax, and continuing with the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddy Gray, and George Floyd, the political force of the Left has taken advantage of events to exacerbate racial tensions, and with inciteful rhetoric it has cemented in the minds of black Americans, and in the minds of much of the American public, the detestable lie that America remains a racist nation today. Every police-related death of a black person is a pretext for yet another riot in some other American city.

Heather MacDonald, the renowned Manhattan Institute scholar, has pointed out that police shootings of blacks account for only 3 percent of black homicides (see essay below). In 2019, according to Statista, there were 7,484 black homicides in America. Who is killing the other 97 percent of black Americans? Are white civilians intruding into black neighborhoods and killing such a huge percentage of blacks? There are no news accounts of such killings.

How do we Americans find our way out of this terrible state of affairs? The Left would have us submit to its intolerant, dictatorial, anti-Constitutional rule. We good-hearted Americans must not submit to the Left. The Left is unworthy of authority. The Left is hiding behind its accusations — white supremacy, systematic racism, police bigotry. Isn’t it obvious that the Democrats have no answers and no solutions for failing urban schools, for corrupt big city governance, for street violence and gang warfare, and for the large number of black children who grow up without the presence of a father in the home? The Left is very good at insinuating a victim mentality into people and at fostering resentment, but when it comes to inspiring people to become independent and productive American citizens, the Left is a total failure.

Here is what a commanding and enduring majority of Americans must do before American society can achieve a state of racial reconciliation: When the agitators of racial tension — the politicians, Black Lives Matters, Critical Race theorists, newspeople, etc. — pretend to care about black people, we must resolutely come to disbelieve them. The agitators of racial tension do not care about the plight of black Americans; they are using black people to advance their cynical agenda. Black Lives Matter is aiming for political power — and it is using the lives of black people as cannon fodder. To put it simply, the Left doesn’t care about what happens to most blacks in America — they are lying when they say that they do.

Hopefully, once the ploy of using black deaths for political advantage has been broken and discredited, black Americans will liberate themselves from their bondage to Democrats, and they will gain self-confidence and self-reliance. In the meantime, Republicans should take pains to reach out to the black community, touting messages of economic prosperity and school choice, and to recruit as many courageous, passionate, and articulate black Republicans who are in the timeless tradition of Booker T. Washington as possible.

Heather MacDonald presents the truth in the article “A Grim — and Ignored — Body Count, the Problem in the American Inner City Is Not Racism but Drive-by Shootings of Blacks by other Blacks,” published in City Journal, on November 2, 2020. She reveals a nightmarish reality that Democrats and leftist agitators don’t want to talk about — because they don’t care to do anything to address the problem.

Below is a listing of shooting and killings, that took within four months — July through October — in 2020. The list is ignored by Democrats and the media because it doesn’t advance the leftist agenda:

On October 23, a 3-year-old boy was shot twice in Southwest Philadelphia.

In Baltimore, a 12-year-old boy was shot on October 21; the man standing next to him was killed. That same afternoon, a 16-year-old boy was killed and the 12-year-old boy with him was shot. The 16-year-old was the fifth teenager killed in Baltimore over the previous two weeks.

On October 13, a 35-year-old probation officer who was eight months pregnant was fatally shot in the back outside of her home on the far South Side of Chicago.

On October 10, a 16-year-old boy turned Lake Shore Drive in Chicago into a “shooting gallery,” according to the police, shooting out the eye of a 19-year-old girl in a nearby car.

On October 8, a 51-year-old bus driver in Baltimore reprimanded a couple for getting on his bus without paying. The female grabbed the driver’s backpack and ran off. The bus driver gave chase; the male opened fire and continued pumping bullets into the driver as he lay on the ground, killing him.

In Sacramento, a 9-year-old girl was killed on October 3 during a family gathering in a park. Her 6-year-old cousin and aunt were also shot. Two hours later, a 17-year-old crashed into a pole after being fatally shot. Shortly thereafter, a 17-year-old girl was shot.

On October 2, a 14-year-old girl was shot from a passing car in the West Englewood section of Chicago while standing on a sidewalk. The 35-year-old man standing next to her was killed.

On September 26, a 15-year-old boy was fatally shot in the head on the Far West Side of Chicago.

A 3-year-old boy in Orlando was fatally shot in the head while playing in his living room on September 22, when a passing car sprayed bullets at the front door and windows of the home. The day before, a 14-year-old boy in the same neighborhood was killed with a shot to his head while he was sitting on his front porch. A 15-year-old next to him was critically wounded.

On September 21, a 1-year-old boy in Kansas City, Mo., was killed when someone walked up to the car in which he was riding and riddled it with bullets. The victim, Tyron Patton, was among the 13 children who had been killed in shootings through late September in Kansas City.

Five people were shot on September 19 when two cars sped down a street on the South Side of Chicago, spraying bullets across a sidewalk, onto a porch, and inside a home. That same day, a gunman opened fire on a group of men in West Englewood before escaping down an alley. Four people were hit.

A 15-year-old girl was shot to death in St. Louis on September 15.

That same day, gunfire broke out on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago; the suspects fled in a car, then crashed into three other cars.

A man on house arrest for a gun case opened fire on September 12 at a family he had just met on the West Side of Chicago. He killed two people and wounded another three.

On September 11, a 14-year-old boy was killed in a drive-by shooting in Northeast Baltimore, part of a burst of violence that killed 12 people and wounded another 45 over six days.

On September 10, a female mail carrier on the Far South Side of Chicago was fatally shot in the head, abdomen, legs, and buttocks by occupants of a car speeding down the street.

On September 9, an 11-year-old girl in Bethlehem, Pa., was shot in the face as she answered a knock on the back door of her home.

A 6-year-old boy was shot on September 7 at the annual J’ouvert party that opens the West Indian Day Parade in Brooklyn (both the party and parade had been officially canceled, to no avail.) Five other people were shot that night in what is a longstanding West Indian Day Parade tradition of deadly weapons violence.

Also on September 7, a young girl and three adults in a car were seriously wounded in a drive-by shooting on the South Side of Chicago.

A 7-year-old girl was killed on August 29 while at a family birthday party in South Bend, Indiana; the assailants shot from a passing car.

On August 31, an 11-year-old girl was shot in the hip in Wilmington, Delaware, while playing outside in the morning.

August 22: A 25-year-old woman was killed with a bullet to her head in the Bronx. Twelve hours later, a 33-year-old man playing basketball in Queens was shot in the head. Four days before, an 18-year-old was killed and a 33-year-old man was shot in the spine in a Brooklyn gang shooting.

August 19: A 9-year-old boy was shot in the lower back on the West side of Chicago when gunmen got out of a car and started shooting at a group of men on a sidewalk. The boy’s mother was also hit in the back.

August 18: A 4-year-old girl in Asbury Park, New Jersey, was shot outside an apartment complex.

August 17: A 9-year-old was shot in the head in a car on the South Side of Chicago.

August 16: A 46-year-old man at a vigil in Brooklyn for a man killed two days before was fatally shot twice in the head. A day earlier, a man in Canarsie, Brooklyn, was shot in the face, one of three shootings within 15 minutes. The day before, four people were killed, including an off-duty corrections officer at a party in Queens, and another 11 people wounded, bringing that week’s shooting toll in New York City to 14 fatalities and 48 wounded.

August 12: A 14-year-old boy opened the door of his mother’s apartment in St. Louis in response to a knock and was fatally shot in the head.

On the morning of August 11, an 11-year-old girl was shot in the head in an SUV in Madison, Wisconsin; two days later, her family took her off of life support.

August 11: A 12-year-old boy and a 15-year-old boy were hit in two separate afternoon shootings in Philadelphia.

August 9: Over 100 shots were fired into a block party in Southeast Washington, D.C., killing a 17-year-old boy and injuring another 21 people.

August 5: A 6-year-old girl in West Philadelphia was shot while playing outside her home.

August 1: A 7-year-old boy was shot in the head while sitting on his family’s front porch in West Philadelphia. A shootout had broken out when a man drove onto the street and unloaded his weapon at a group of people standing outside. The boy died two days later.

August 1: A 9-year-old was fatally gunned down on the near the North Side of Chicago while playing with friends. The gunman had fired into a parking lot at a group of males standing nearby. As of August 1, the number of shooting victims 10 or younger in Chicago was three times that of 2019, according to the Chicago Tribune.

July 31: A 17-year-old in Chicago was killed on a sidewalk in a case of friendly fire. His companion had started shooting at a passing car whose occupants were flashing gang signs.

July 22: 1-year-old Ace Lucas was killed in his bed in Canton, Ohio; his twin brother sleeping next to him was wounded.

July 14: 9-year-old Devonte Bryant was killed with a shot to his head in New Orleans; a 13-year-old boy and a 15-year-old girl were hit in the same shooting.

July 12: A 1-year-old boy in a stroller was killed by a shot to the stomach at a cookout in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn; three men were also hit. That same night, a 12-year-old boy was shot in Brooklyn’s Crown Heights section and a 15-year-old boy was shot in Harlem.

July 8: A 12-year-old boy was killed inside his home in a drive-by shooting in Wadesboro, North Carolina.

July 5: A 6-year-old boy was fatally shot in a drug hot spot home in Northeast Philadelphia.

At least eight children were killed in drive-bys nationally over the Fourth of July weekend: 8-year-old Secoriea Turner was in a car with her mother in Atlanta trying to inch past a barricade illegally erected by Black Lives Matter protesters. Two people opened fire on the car. Michael Goodlow III, age 4, was fatally hit in the head on July 4 in St. Louis. In Hoover, Alabama, a gun battle broke out between three males in a mall. Royta De’Marco Giles Jr., 8 years old, was caught in crossfire and killed; the other innocent bystanders were wounded. In Galivants Ferry, South Carolina, a 4-year-old boy was killed on July 4. Davon McNeal, 11, ran toward his aunt’s house in Southeast Washington, D.C., to get a cell phone charger and was killed in gunfire between a group of five males. In Chicago, Natalia Wallace, 7, was playing in a yard when three males exited a car and opened fire at a group standing on the street. Wallace was fatally hit in the head. A 14-year-old boy was also killed playing basketball on the Fourth of July. In San Francisco’s Bayview district, a 6-year-old boy was shot and killed.

July 2: An 11- year-old girl and a 12-year old girl were killed in a drive-by shooting at a birthday party in Delano, California.

June 30: A 3-year-old girl was shot while playing in the front yard of her Englewood, Chicago, home.

June 29: 4-year-old LeGend Taliferro was killed while sleeping in his father’s apartment in Kansas City.

June 27: In the Englewood section of Chicago, 1-year-old Sincere Gaston was killed in his mother’s car as it was returning from a laundromat.

A 3-year-old girl was shot on June 22 playing outside her home in Chicago Lawn.

On June 20 in Chicago, 3-year-old Mekhi James was killed in his father’s car. A 13-year-old, a 16-year-old, and a 17-year-old were also fatally shot that day.

On June 19, a 23-year-old woman who was eight months pregnant was killed in her car in Southwest Baltimore. Her 3-year-old daughter was also killed. Both were left in the car for 14 hours.

In South-Central Los Angeles alone, nine children under the age of 10 have been shot in 2020, and 40 children under the age of 18. In Philadelphia, as of early August, 11 children had been fatally shot, six of those victims under the age of 10. One in 10 shooting victims in Philadelphia have been children.

At least 17 children have been killed in St. Louis this year. St. Louis hospitals have treated 114 children, including an infant, for gunshot wounds through October 8, according to the Washington Post. The average age of drive-by victims in St. Louis is dropping and the wounds are more serious, due to gangbangers’ increased firepower. The number of homicides in black St. Louis neighborhoods rose 800 percent over the summer, from one every four days to two a day. “It’s like it’s no big deal. They’ve accepted homicides, too,” the mother of two males killed in 2014 told the St. Louis Post Dispatch in September 2020.

The killers have not been identified in many of these shootings, despite ample witnesses, because of the ghetto code against “snitching” and cooperating with the police.

In the weeks immediately following the Floyd riots, homicides were up by 100 percent in Minneapolis, 200 percent in Seattle, 240 percent in Atlanta, and 182 percent in Chicago. The violence continued over the summer and into the fall. In a sample of 27 big cities, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Milwaukee, Nashville, and Louisville, homicide rates rose an average of 53 percent between June and August.     *

Read 2975 times
Barry MacDonald

Editor & Publisher of the St. Croix Review.
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