Events Calendar

Annual Dinner 2022
Thursday 13 October 2022, 06:00pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 2161
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Mark Wiens will be our keynote speaker in the evening. Mark Wiens is a candidate for Minnesota State House, District 41A – Washington County. He is a U.S. Army Veteran with 30 years of service, multiple deployments and combat tours, with experience leading executive teams in the pursuit of solving complex issues. He has witnessed some of the worst places on the planet.

Mark Wiens envisions an America that is a great place to live, own a home, raise a family, build a business, and retire. He upholds a national revival in which the government is effective, and works for American citizens! He says: “We are each free to enjoy our rights and live our lives to the fullest for the greater good!” In regard to our current political circumstances he says: “We must do better and we can!”