Free Speech, Liberals
Tolerate Campus Conservatives
John Plecnik
Plecnik is a law student at Duke University and a columnist at The
Conservative Voice (www.theconservativevoice.com),
Lincoln Tribune, a weekly newspaper in Lincolnton, NC, and various other
online and print publications. Regardless of age, we
have all heard the phrase, “First Amendment Rights,” bandied about.
Free speech has been the rallying cry of the liberal elite since the
60s, and every time violent protesters are beaten back by police or
cordoned off from a rally, the ACLU comes a calling. However, the same
team of trial lawyers, rebel billionaires and Deaniacs turn a blind eye
toward the abuses of their academic brethren. America’s colleges and
universities are anything but free speech zones. Contrary to their
mantra of universal tolerance, Stalinist professors and administrators
see intellectual diversity as a disease. Unpopular viewpoints, like a
belief in absolute truth or the Republican Party, are actively
discouraged. The reality of liberal
bias on campus is so overwhelming that columnists and commentators are
forced to choose between countless illustrations. Whether examining the
anti-Christian bent at the University of North Carolina, where one
student was labeled a sexist bigot for asserting his personal belief
that homosexuality is immoral, and Alpha Iota Omega Christian Fraternity
was de-recognized as a student organization for refusing to admit
non-Christians, or the age-old liberalism of Berkeley, where researchers
found that conservatism is a disease shared by Hitler and Ronald Reagan,
the bias is clear. Liberal professors see conservative beliefs as vermin
and our universities as their own, private roach motels. Ideally,
conservative minds check in, but they don’t check out. Our professors have at
least four years to scare us Democrat, and they seldom waste an
opportunity. Studies show that liberals hire liberals; the faculty at
elite institutions like Duke and Yale fall to the Left of Hillary
Clinton. More frightening, however, is the condition of our average
campus. Along with the elites, most state schools are stacked with
Democrats and Socialists. Perhaps conservatives are just too stupid for
academia, as Dr. Robert Brandon, chairman of Duke’s philosophy
department, once asserted. Myself, I tend to believe that hiring
committees prefer “fellow travelers.” And as for self-selection, I
think most right-wingers are smart enough to see the “Conservatives
Need Not Apply” sign hanging beneath the ivy. Of course, campuses are
larger than the classroom and the message of liberal professors might be
drowned out by inappropriate speakers. That’s why our faculty and
administrators are careful to allocate the lion’s share of funding to
invite still more liberals. After all, if not for men like Ward
Churchill, how would students come to understand the innate evil of
America? A true conservative would never think to compare 9/11 victims
to Nazis! However, unfortunately
for our Stalinist friends, control over class time and tuition only goes
so far. Outspoken students might still convince their peers that John
Kerry and Karl Marx don’t have all the answers. Darn that First
Amendment. It was so useful for flag burning. Some universities try
to institute campus speech codes, limiting dialogue to their
understanding of political correctness. Most just lambaste conservative
students. At UNC-Charlotte, the resident College Republican chapter
recently hosted their third annual “affirmative action” bake sale.
Treats were offered at lower prices to traditionally recognized
minorities, protesting how “affirmative action universities” accept
minorities with comparatively lower academic credentials. Kristen
McManus, UNC-Charlotte’s Associate Director for Academic Initiatives
for Mentoring Students, was quick to label her students as racist.
Titling the communique, “Racist Practice at UNCC,” McManus e-mailed
the press and warned them of the College Republicans’ “egregious
methodology.” After this slur, will members of the UNC-Charlotte
College Republicans remain comfortable coming to McManus for academic
assistance? Would you feel safe around someone who called you a racist? All considered, however, campus
conservatives shouldn’t feel too badly. The Stalinists will even
cannibalize a Clintonite for speaking out of turn. When President
Lawrence H. Summers of Harvard University speculated aloud that
“innate differences” between the sexes might explain why fewer women
succeed in careers of math and science, he was attacked by feminists and
academics alike. The former treasury secretary has been threatened with
a vote of no confidence by Harvard’s faculty and thus far, no one is
willing to let him forget his flub. I find it ironic that the presidents
of Stanford, MIT and Princeton are in an uproar over their colleague’s
mere speculation, when none of them were offended by the Berkeley study
that labeled conservatives as mentally ill. Perhaps this sentiment is just a product of my
diseased, conservative mind, but I get the feeling that academia isn’t
even fooling itself anymore. After all, if professors pretend that free
speech rights exist on campus, someone might try to exercise them.
* “The secret of life is
honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made.”
--Groucho Marx ***** We would like to thank the following people for their generous contributions (from 3/10/2005 to 5/10/2005): James A. Anderson, Leroy Anderson, George E. Andrews, William D. Andrews, Bob & Christel Arnold, Lee R. Ashmun, Charles A. Bacon, E. O. Barlow, Harry S. Barrows, Alexis I. dup Bayar, Arnold Beichman, Charles Benscheidt, Ronald Benson, Veronica A. Binzley, Loren E. Bishop, James B. Black, Walter I. C. Brent, Mitzi A. Brown, James M. Broz, Priscilla L. Buckley, William G. Buckner, William C. Campion, Mark T. Cenac, Cliff Chambers, W. Edward Chynoweth, Benedetto Cico, Thomas J. Ciotola, Irma I. Clark, Samuel J. Criscio, Gary W. Croudis, John D’Aloia, Maurie Daigneau, Bertarm L. Davies, Betty G. Davis, Jim Dea, Dianne C. DeBoest, Robert W. Demers, Frank S. Dennis, Francis P. Destefano, Joesph R. Devitto, Hans Dolezalek, John J. Duvall, Carl W. Edquist, Irene Elkins, Nicholas Falco, John E. Folan, Reubin M. Freitas, Milton Friedman, Jermone C. Fritz, Paul V. Gadola, Robert W. Garhwait, Jane F. Gelderman, Gary D. Gillespie, Joseph H. Grant, Hollis J. Griffin, Daniel J. Haley, Robert C. Hall, Violet H. Hall, Artur C. Harris, John H. Hearding, Bernhard Heersink, Norman G. P. Helgeson, Kenneth Hetrick, John A. Howard, Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Howard, Dr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Huntley, Mr. & Mrs. David Ihle, Joseph M. Irvin, D. Paul Jennings, Robert R. Johnson, Martin Kellogg, Robert E. Kelly Frank G. Kenski, Walter J. Kenworthy, Gloria Knoblauch, Mary S. Kohler, Allyn M. Lay, Robert Leaf, Harris G. Lee, Eric Linhof, Calvin T. Lucy, Gregor MacDonald, Edward L. Magill, Lloyd W. Martinson, Curtis Dean Mason, Verlie Mae Matson, Roberta R. McQuade, Eugene F. Meenagh, Mark T. Moberg, Walter M. Moede, John S. Moniak, Michael E. Moore, Joseph M. Murray, King Odell, Michas M. Ohnstad, Larry A. Olsen, Mitzi M. Olson, Victor Parsons, Daniel D. Payne, Valentime Polkowski, Bernalrd L. Poppert, Walter B. Prentice, Gary J. Pressley, Garland L. & Betty Pugh, Gregory J. Pulles, Jane B. Ramsland, Willard E. Rogerson, Robert E. Rolwing, Howard J. Romanek, Kathryn Hubbard Rominski, Steven B. Rorda, Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Schonland, Fred W. Schultz, Harry Richard Schumache, William Scummric, Richard L. Sega, Gordon A. Shearer, Weldon O. & Roxana B. Shepherd, Joseph M. Simonet, Ben T. Slade, Thomas W. Smoot, Carl G. Stevenson, Clifford W. Stone, Dennis Sullivan, Patrick M. Sullivan, Mary H. Sundberg, Paul B. Thompson, W. G. Thompson, Julian Tonning, Jack E. Turner, Miller Upton, Raymond C. Wanta, Rodney G. Weiler, Carol C. Weimann, Paul A. West, George M. Wheatley, Robert C. Whitten, Max L. Williamson, Charles W. Wilson, Robert W. Wilson, Piers Woodriff, Chris Yunker, Jeffrey Zuckerman. |
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