Civil Unions:
Compromise or Surrender?Midge Decter
Midge Decter’s essays and reviews
have appeared over the past four decades in a number of periodicals. She
is currently president of the Philadelphia Society. This speech,
delivered on the Hillsdale College campus, is reprinted by permission
from Imprimis, the national speech digest of Hillsdale College,
www.hillsdale.edu. The term “civil marriage” or “civil union” has
become a euphemism for both the legal and social legitimation of
homosexuality. In the current public conversation the phrase no longer
means the wedding of a man and woman conducted by a civil authority--a
town clerk or a justice of the peace or a judge. In that old sense of
the term, of course, every legal marriage is a civil one, because the
ministers and priests and rabbis who conduct weddings according to the
established rites of their respective religions are at the same time
acting with full civil authority to do so. The fact that so many of the
fully sanctioned marriages in recent years have turned out to be too
casual and thin-blooded to hold out for very long against the trials of
real life is nothing to the point. For while the number of easy-come,
easy-go marriages in our midst speaks to the failure of spiritual
education in this great, rich, lucky, but somewhat spiritually
impoverished, land, there has not until now been any kind of real
assault on what marriage is supposed
to mean: one man, one woman, formally and officially joined in the hope
of becoming a real family. Today what is being called “civil
marriage” is a kind of trick of language, a term used as a political
euphemism for surrendering to the most recent demand of the homosexual
rights movement. For now what it is intended to mean is that the mating
of two men or two women must be regarded by society as equally hallowed.
The surrender to this idea has taken place very quickly, and I think we
cannot understand it without going over the history of how we got here. Homosexual rights is an idea that began to assume the
force and energy of a movement hard on the heels of the women’s
movement (which itself, of course, gained energy and force from the
civil rights movement that preceded it). It began with the demand that
homosexuals no longer be considered pariahs, bedeviled by the
authorities and viewed with unconcealed discomfort by many of their
fellow citizens. In the abstract, this demand seemed very reasonable,
particularly among people still stung by the shame of the country’s
long history of both attitude and behavior towards the blacks. The
movement was what you might call a smash success--perhaps because it was
the third in a row and thus was presenting its case to an already
softened public, or perhaps because to assent quickly to the
movement’s claims made it a lot easier to avert one’s eyes from
homosexuality itself. In any case, rapid is the word. Let me tell you the story of two parades. Some years
ago my husband and I happened to be strolling through midtown Manhattan
on a sunny afternoon when we came upon a large and noisy crowd lined up
on both sides of Fifth Avenue. We had quite forgotten that that Sunday
was the day of the annual gay pride parade. It was, as the kids say, a
very “in your face” occasion. A number of the men had made-up faces
and were dressed in satin evening gowns, blowing kisses to the crowd
from the backs of open cars. The parade passed by St. Patrick’s
Cathedral, and some of the marchers ran up the front steps of the
cathedral virtually naked and proceeded to express their opinion of the
Church by going through a repertory of obscene gestures (the following
year the cathedral was barricaded). We left wondering how all this would
sit with the city authorities. If they had any views of the matter, they
kept them to themselves. A number of years
passed, and last June one of my daughters and I were running an errand
downtown on a Sunday afternoon, and again, all unthinking, we happened
on this year’s parade. As we approached the corner there hove into
view a large, simply decorated float on which were seated a group of
people, including children, smiling and waving to the crowd. The sign on
the float announced that its passengers were representing the Episcopal
Archdiocese of New York and the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. As the
old commercial for Virginia Slims cigarettes had it, “You’ve come a
long way, baby.” Put on the Defensive
In the years that stretched between those two parades,
the country had been confronted with the phenomenon of AIDS, a mortal
disease that at the beginning of the epidemic in America was contracted
in one of two ways: either a common form of homosexual mating or the use
of dirty needles for injecting heroin. And AIDS, it will be remembered,
was for a time threatening virtually to decimate the male homosexual
community. Though at first there was a good deal of lying about the
problem of AIDS--“We are all at risk,” said the sympathizers and
those raising funds for medical research to find a cure--the lie could
not be sustained for long. Heroin addicts, prostitutes, and recipients
of tainted blood aside, among homosexuals it was and is spread through a
kind of blind and rampant promiscuity that had been growing ever more
blind and rampant in certain institutions of the homosexual community,
primarily the bars and the bathhouses. In any case, what the Cathedral
of St. John the Divine was revving up to embrace, Mother Nature was
obdurately rejecting. The impulse of compassion for the discriminated
against had become so habitual that rather than expressions of horror,
what the discovery of AIDS elicited from the community of the sensitive
was a great outpouring of sympathy. Though AIDS was a disease contracted
by a species of sexual behavior that might have straightened the curls
of many a fashionable lady to hear about, the issue was spoken of in
polite circles as a kind of mysterious tragedy that struck out of the
blue. And finally, men dying of the disease were not merely pitied but
positively beatified among the artistic community both song and
story--song and story, indeed in which the word “angels” figured
heavily. It goes without saying
that there are homosexuals who are not and have never been activists,
who do not storm the streets who do not frequent the bathhouses, and who
keep their sex lives--as most of the rest of us do--to themselves. But
in the current debate these homosexuals are, alas, irrelevant. They are
neither the stuff of which movements and flamboyant public gestures are
made, nor are they people whose ambition is to overturn the conditions
of ordinary, everyday life. Eight years ago,
Congress passed the Defense of Marriage Act, which states in so many
words that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Imagine: a
congressional act that certifies something--more properly, reminds us of
something--that one might have thought should need no reminding. Just
think of it: a defense of marriage--not from a galloping divorce rate,
not from marriages more easily sundered than many business contracts,
and not from the idea put about some years ago by the women’s movement
that marriage is no more than a form of indentured servitude for women.
No, the members of Congress who proposed and then passed this act were
defending marriage from the already looming demand that it be redefined
to include homosexual coupledom. As we now know, the act was
insufficient to hold off the assault from the idea that marriage be
defined as an act of commitment between any two people of whatever sex.
Imagine again: many of the leading defenders of marriage in the land
propose that we--at least the citizens of three-quarters of the
states--include among the articles of the Constitution a statement that
denies definitively the demand that homosexuals be granted the legal
right to marry. Thus doth compassion,
combined with a certain willful blindness, make cowards of us all. A
culture grown sick with the refusal to uphold common wisdom--not to
speak of common sense--sinks to requiring the services of politics and
politicians in the face of difficulty. The Real Stakes
Because the question of
homosexual marriage has at this time been left in the hands of
judges--mere legislation having proved to be of little avail against the
forces of activism--we have been treated to the sight of homosexual
couples celebrating outside of courthouses and city halls in such places
as San Francisco and Boston. By the way, and not surprisingly, it seems
that a number of the male couples admitted they had no intention of
getting married--it was merely their having won the battle that they
were there to celebrate--while every one of the female couples declared
their intention to marry. I say not surprisingly because--some might
think it impolite of me to point out--homosexual men are essentially no
more like lesbians than heterosexual men are like the women whom they
either merely pursue or marry. In short, men are men and women are
women, whatever their sexual proclivities. Which brings us to the nature
of modern, that is to say, voluntary, marriage. In the contemporary world, marriage is the result of a
voluntary agreement between two people that they will swear to make a
home together and be faithful to one another. It is, in other words, a
deal. Cleave unto me, says the man, and I will cherish and protect you;
cleave unto me, says the woman, and I will make your life comfortable,
bear your children, and be faithful to you. Of course, this deal is
sometimes--nowadays, indeed, fearfully often--honored in the breach.
Nevertheless, it is the best arrangement ever devised for those, meaning
all of us, who are considerably lower than the angels. Nor is it merely
happenstance that so very large a number of these deals are consecrated
by formal ritual in houses of worship, where they are blessed in the
name not only of the state but of God. Female homosexuals who have achieved coupledom tend to
approximate this arrangement far more closely than do male
homosexuals--even those male homosexuals who remain together for life
(and who are, by the way, many, many fewer in number). Why is this?
Because, again, women are different from men. They wish--correction:
need--to be monogamous and faithful; it is in their nature. Men, on the
other hand, in the most elementary sense of the nature of males, have
impulses to promiscuity. A woman says to her prospective mate, “Be
faithful to me and I promise that I will make it worth your while.” It
is a bargain men who marry not only agree to but in a very important
sense are saved by. Being women, lesbians are most often given to a
facsimile of this same deal. Moreover, they can be, and often are,
mothers and thus inclined to stability. Men who are sexually attracted
to, and even truly love, other men have no such exchange to make. In an
all-male society, promiscuity is thus the norm. And as things have grown
easier and more comfortable for men to be openly, often flagrantly,
homosexual in our ever more tolerant society, the promiscuity of the
bathhouse and orgy has become ever more the norm. Hence, for example,
the wildfire of HIV and AIDS (and now, I am told, certain even newer
forms of venereal disease). That is why the right to marriage, fought
for with every weapon at their command by homosexual men, would--or must
I say will--be largely acted on by lesbians. Why, then, are these
men fighting so hard for it? The answer is, the right to legal marriage
that they are demanding is not about them--it is about the rest
of us. It is, and is meant to be, a spit in the eye of the way we live.
And whatever the variety of efforts to oppose it--another law or even a
whole set of laws, let’s say, or a constitutional amendment--none of
it will matter unless and until all the nice and decent people in
America begin to understand that we are in a crisis, and it must be up
to them to sustain, and with all good cheer defend, the way they lead
their lives. The Best Defense
I tend to oppose a constitutional amendment because I
fear the oh so easy use of that great document to deal with problems
that arise from this society’s sloth and unwillingness to face the
mess that has become of our culture in general and the issue of sex and
family in particular. It would be a shame, I think, if we had to tinker
with so rare and precious an inheritance as our Constitution because
people who hate the way we live storm the streets while others try to
look away. Also, we should keep in mind the nature of politicians. A key
part of their job is to keep people happy. Indeed, doing so is the way
most of them got that job in the first place. That is why only a very
few moral heroes among them risk being frowned at by their constituents,
or worse, making them angry. There is no sense in anyone’s complaining
about this; it is in the nature of our political system--and it is the
best system that has yet been devised by man. But politicians simply do
not--I would even say cannot--make useful arbiters of cultural problems,
let alone spiritual ones like this. Let me return to the idea being proposed by some that
we invent a kind of second-level marriage--call it “civil
union”--that would provide homosexual couples with certain legal and
financial marital rights without the full standing of heterosexual
marriage. I am not against allowing a homosexual to be his partner’s
legal heir, for instance, or to be granted official status as rightful
partner in a hospital emergency room or other such things. But this idea
of creating a new level of marriage--call it whatever you want--smacks
of the congenital passion of politicians to invent a compromise where
none will serve. For it is not compromise that the homosexual rights
movement is after. Nor do they even want the standing in the community
that heterosexuals have. They are radicals. What they want is not a room
of their own; they want to bring the whole damned house down. By now we as a society
have pretty much ceased the persecution of homosexuals. They are not
ostracized from polite society--and indeed, if truth be told, many of
them never were. In addition, they now freely camp around to a most
appreciative audience on prime-time television and, as we know, have for
some time served as the arbiters of high fashion. In New York City they
have a high school that has now become an official part of the city’s
public school system. And though they have been seen on the newscasts
standing outside the San Francisco courthouse smiling and waving their
new marriage licenses, it is vitally important to remember that they are
the denizens of a radical movement: I will say it again, they do not
want what the rest of us have--they want to bring the whole house down. So if the lady tends to be against a constitutional
amendment and opposes unequivocally the idea of civil union, what does
she want? The answer is, I want us to stick up for ourselves and the way
we live, be as mighty a force in the culture as we are entitled to be if
nothing else by virtue of our sheer numbers. I want us to resist all
attacks on the way we live, whether from our kids, our grandkids, their
momentary culture heroes, or from the overpaid, mindless, sheep-like
followers of fashion in the press and academic community who make so
much noise in the world around us every day. In other words, let’s
take back our country. Let us be decent, civil and even loving to our
homosexual fellow citizens; but draw the line on what they stand for and
on everything else that makes light of our existence. For the privilege of living in the most nobly founded,
the freest, and the richest country in the world we owe nothing less,
not only to ourselves but also to the oncoming tide of generations. We
are given the choice of leaving them with a blessing or a curse. Not so
many people in the world have that choice. I hope we can go down in
history as having deserved it.
* “Principle—particularly
moral principle—can never be a weathervane, spinning around this way
and that with the shifting winds of expediency. Moral principle is a
compass forever fixed and forever true.” Edward Lyman |
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