20th Century Fascism
Equals Today’s Radical IslamRobert L. Wichterman
Robert L. Wichterman writes from
Lancaster, PA. Having been dormant for
many years, Islamist militancy was reawakened following the Soviet
Union’s 1979 invasion of Afghanistan. Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the other
Muslim extremists have used the same stratagems to prepare their people
for a jihad (holy war) against us, and the West, as the German Nazis
employed in the 1930s: Select a distinct ethnic race or group who are
“easy to hate.” The Nazis chose the
Jews, the Gypsies, Christian pacifists, and the Communists. Their
propaganda explained that these people were slowing Germany’s recovery
from the Great War. And that they were responsible for the unfair
Versailles Treaty, and the economic depression. Not many Germans
disagreed with their message. Dictatorships have
always taught their people who their enemies were, and who they should
hate. The authoritarian Islamic governments have followed the same
course. Like their predecessors, Islam has picked the Jews and their
nation, Israel. However, the Jews and Israel are no longer weak and
defenseless. In fact, they are not only stronger than their Arab
adversaries in every area, but Israel’s military forces have
humiliated the Arab’s armies time after time. The resulting animosity
is so intense that Israel does not appear in any Arab school’s
geography books. (That region is named “Palestine.”) The Iranian clerics have dubbed the United States
“The Great Satan,” because we defended the Shah (who had continued
to supply us during OPEC’s 1974 Arab oil embargo). Moreover, due to
Western Europe’s support of Israel, Israel has been added to the list
of “infidel” nations to be destroyed and Islamized. For, just as
Hitler and Stalin’s goals were to achieve world-wide hegemony for
their nations, Islam’s is the same, and more: That Islamic Law would
be recognized and practiced in every country. To effect that end the rulers of the
Islamic authoritarian states control their people as Hitler and Stalin
did: They intimidate and terrorize them by assassinating any opposition
leaders, and some ordinary non-threatening workers--so that no one ever
feels “safe.” Plus, to coerce firms to stop deliveries of food,
ammunition, and other needed materials, they will videotape the capture,
torture, and execution of lower-status employees. This tactic has led
several carriers to discontinue trucking services to the U.S. and other
coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. And it persuaded Spain and the
Philippines to bring their military home. The intent of all
authoritarian governments is to attain more power. Every politically
free nation is their rival. The living standards of free nations is so
superior to those trapped in a police state, that tyrants will use any
measure to hide the contrast from their subjects. The autocrats endeavor
to discredit democracies, using outright lies, and publicizing
half-truths about our problems with crime, racial discrimination,
pornography, and alcoholism. The totalitarian
dictators of the 21st century share another incorrect opinion with those
from the 20th. Germany, Japan, the Soviet Union, and now the Islamists
had the view that the citizens of democracies are “soft,” and are
afraid to fight and die to preserve freedom. With only a few anomalies, this notion has been
discredited. The truth that “Freedom is not free” has been widely
disseminated and accepted. The companion axiom that “A nation will
only remain free as long as its citizens are willing to die to preserve
it,” is also generally affirmed. As proof, we are now sending a 100
percent volunteer military force “into harm’s way” to defend those
liberties, and our way of life. In the first six months
after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the news was continually bad; except
for Col. Doolittle’s air raid on Tokyo, we lost Wake Island, Guam, and
the Philippines. However, we knew that we could not surrender, or sue
for peace. The only option was victory, no matter how long it took to
achieve it, and despite the casualty figures. Soon after we defeated
the Axis nations, the U.S.S.R. instigated the Cold War with the West. It
ended in 1989 with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Now, radical
Islam has declared war on the U.S., the non-Muslim world, and those
sects within Islam who do not follow the Sunni Wahhabi interpretations. Throughout the Muslim
world America is condemned not only for its ideals and lifestyle, but
because Islamists believe we are infidels who are opposed to Allah.
Thus, as we succeeded in defeating fascist Germany and Italy, imperial
Japan, and the totalitarian U.S.S.R. in the 20th century, we have to
“tough it out” again in the 21st. Peace at any price is a poor
alternative, and really not an option.
* “God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.” Daniel Webster |
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