Evil and George W. Bush
Paul Kengor Paul Kengor is author of God and Ronald Reagan and God and George W. Bush. He is also professor of
political science at Grove City College and a visiting fellow with the Hoover
Institution. This article is reprinted from Vision & Values, a publication
of Grove City College. Of all the things that rankle the critics of George
W. Bush, few anger them more than his willingness to apply the word
“evil.” Like President Ronald Reagan two decades before him, Bush
operates from a Christian worldview that distinguishes between good and evil.
And yet, the specific objections of Bush’s critics tell us as much about
them as they do about him. Indeed, their outrage is very selective; they, too,
have evils. An examination of these evils on both sides is a worthwhile
exercise--a quite illuminating exercise. Unappreciated is the
fact that George W. Bush had publicly identified evil before September 11. In
June 2001, he used the word to describe the Holocaust, Nazis and racism. In an
August 2000 interview, he said that the Columbine students who killed their
Colorado classmates had “hearts” that were “taken by
evil.” In December 1999, the Texas governor labeled “smut and
pornography,” hate crimes and defacing synagogues as evil. No one
complained of these applications of the word; rather, all sides silently nodded
in approval. Then came the tragedy
of September 11. How to describe this act of, well, evil? Employing a word used
by Jesus Christ, Bush insisted that the “evildoers” behind
September 11 would pay for their crimes. “Today our nation saw evil, the
very worst of human nature,” said the President on September 11. He asked
his fellow Americans to pray to “a power greater than any of us,”
who had “spoken through the ages” in Psalm 23: “Even though I
walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are
with me.” Bush announced, “The evil ones awakened a mighty
giant.” He promised Americans that the battle ahead would be “a
monumental struggle of good versus evil, but good will prevail.” In Bush’s eyes,
the sheer iniquity of September 11 revealed that in a new war on terror there
should be no moral equivalency by Americans. During the Cold War, advocates of
moral equivalency held that both the United States and the Soviet Union were
equally culpable, that neither country could claim a moral high ground. In the
war against terror, Bush wanted no such talk. He “wanted to cut that off
right away,” said one of his speechwriters, David Frum. The President
used the word evil so often in 2002 that the search engine for the presidential
documents that year lists “200+” references. An Axis of Evil
identification of evil in the case of the September 11 hijackers actually did
not elicit a firestorm of protests from his detractors. Even the most stalwart
moral relativists tried to hush their inclinations, including college
professors who typically might instruct their students that the hijackers, just
like Americans, believed they were right, and, hey, who are we to judge whether
the suicide bombers were wrong? This was a decidedly unpopular outlook after
September 11, as its adherents in the academy knew. Rather, what made these detractors really angry--and
gave them new life--was President Bush’s use of a new label: “axis
of evil.” In his January 29, 2002, State of the Union speech, Bush
identified Iraq, Iran and North Korea as three legs of an “axis of
evil.” This sentiment was rooted
in Bush’s personal detestation of the regimes in these nations. Bush told
reporter Bob Woodward that he “loathed” North Korean Communist
despot Kim Jong Il. whose economic policies led to the starvation of 10 to 15
percent of his country’s population (2 to 3 million out of 22 million
people) from 1995-99. Kim’s public schools teach North Korean children
that their leader does not defecate and that a new star appeared the day he was
born. His regime reportedly removes triplets from parents out of fear that one
of those triplets will one day remove Kim. The dictator directs the
nation’s scarce resources into a nuclear weapons program he promised not to
develop. To Bush, Kim was evil,
as was Saddam, as were Iran’s murderous mullahs. And with such a moral
declaration, the Texan began stoking the flames of opposition; actually, he
threw gasoline on the fire. The mere sure declaration that evil lurked, and
could be openly identified among foreign governments, drew lightning. The
response to Bush’s Biblical language was fire and brimstone. Supporters of
Bush’s phrase saw it as a salutary revelation to those ignorant of
Saddam’s tyranny or Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism or Kim’s
madness. They welcomed the candor. The Washington Post, hardly a conservative newspaper, editorialized that
what Bush said about the three countries “has the advantage of being
true.” Still, Bush’s critics had had enough. For him to call the
Nazis evil was okay. To dub hate crimes evil was fine. Even September 11 could
perhaps be characterized as an act of evil. But to apply the terms to these
three countries? A line had been crossed. Racism and Slavery as Evil
As another indication of the selective outrage of the
President’s critics, the political left allowed Bush to get away with another
declaration of evil after the axis of evil statement and even after the Iraq
war. Bush did so in a remarkable speech in Senegal, Africa, in July 2003. In
that address he complained that as slavery persisted in 18th and 19th century
America, his fellow Christian Americans “became blind to the clearest
commands of their faith and added hypocrisy to injustice.” Mercifully,
said the President, “the purposes of God” ultimately ensured that
the institution of slavery came to an end. While condemning white Christians
who did nothing to stop slavery, Bush commended those who “clearly saw
this sin and called it by name,” and did something. He borrowed from
President John Adams, who called slavery “an evil of colossal
magnitude.” This speech was among the most forceful, scathing
anti-slavery statements ever delivered by a president. The Texan closed his
remarks by calling slavery “evil” and one of the “greatest
crimes in history.” Liberals loved this speech. And though they
frequently object to Bush incorporating his faith into his public life, liberal
secularists everywhere did not complain about Bush integrating his religious
views in this instance. They also did not protest his identification of this
“sin,” nor his perceiving evil’s existence. Countries as Evil
So what was
Bush’s mistake? In the eyes of his leftist critics, where did the
President go wrong in using the word evil? The problem for the
left seemed to be that Bush had identified certain nations as evil. To be sure,
liberals do this as well. They rightly asserted that South African Apartheid
rule and the Nazis were evil. They said the same of Augusto Pinochet’s
regime in Chile and the El Salvador leadership in the 1980s. Liberals call
foreign regimes evil all the time. The reality is that they disapprove when
conservatives like Bush single out regimes. Yes, it’s a double standard,
an inconsistency that is frustrating. There are other reasons why the left objects to leaders
like President Bush naming certain countries as evil. An example is evident in
a November 2002 resolution by the left-wing National Council of Churches, which
complained that the President . . . rhetorically divide[s] nations and people into camps of
“good and evil.” Demonizing adversaries or enemies denies their
basic humanity and contradicts Christians’ beliefs in the dignity and
worth of each person as a child of God. This is a
misunderstanding that leftists routinely hold, perhaps sometimes willingly.
They seem to convince themselves that when a leader like George W. Bush calls
Iraq, Iran and North Korea evil, he is calling those populations, and the
people within them, evil, when in fact he is merely referring to the regimes
themselves. Liberals made this same accusation against Ronald Reagan when he
called the USSR evil in the 1980s. At the time, historian Garry Wills
complained that the Russian daughter of a friend of his wanted to know why the
president considered her “irredeemably evil.” The fact is that
Reagan did not consider her evil. He constantly made a distinction between the
Soviet people, whom he felt were kind people held captive to a brutal regime,
and the Bolshevik hierarchy. George W. Bush, obviously, has done the same by
regularly acknowledging the difference between the Iraqi people and their
jailed dictator. Moreover, to the left,
Bush was guilty of a deeper transgression. In identifying foreign regimes as
evil, he had made Reagan’s mistake: he had implied that America was morally
better than those nations. And it is that kind of alleged jingoism--so-called
self-righteous arrogance and “flag-waving”--that the left finds
intolerable. Again, consider the case of Ronald Reagan and the USSR. Evil Empire
a March 8, 1983, speech in Orlando, Fla., Ronald Reagan shocked sensibilities
worldwide when he declared the USSR the “focus of evil in the modern
world”; it was an “evil empire.” It was impossible to argue
with this claim. The USSR was unspeakably oppressive. The atheistic regime that
carried out a “wholesale war on religion,” as Mikhail Gorbachev put
it, was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of its own people, at a
rate and scale that made the Spanish Inquisition look mild. (Vladimir Lenin
killed more people in the first six months of the revolution than leaders of
the Spanish Inquisition killed over six decades.) A complete catalogue of Kremlin
crimes would fill libraries. Nonetheless, Reagan
was vilified for his language. Two days after the
speech, Anthony Lewis of the New York Times described Reagan’s remarks as
“sectarian,” “dangerous,” “outrageous” and
“simplistic,” before ultimately concluding it was
“primitive--the only word for it.” Reagan, said Lewis, had applied
“to the most difficult human problem a simplistic theology.” Lewis
ended his column: “For a President to attack those who disagree with his
politics as ungodly is terribly dangerous.” Historian Henry Steele Commager asserted, “It
was the worst presidential speech in American history, and I’ve read them
all.” This was because of its “gross appeal to religious
prejudice.” George Ball, once a high-level official in the Kennedy and
Johnson administrations, a few months later published an open letter to Reagan
in which he contemptuously referred to “your obsessive detestation of what
you call ‘the evil empire.’” Just as they would
later criticize George W. Bush, leftists attacked Reagan’s
presumptuousness by calling him you guessed it--evil. Speaker of the House Tip
O’Neill fumed at the 1984 Democratic National Convention: The evil is in the White House at the present time. And that evil is a
man who has no care and no concern for the working class of America and the
future generations of America. . . . He’s cold. He’s mean.
He’s got ice water for blood. The political left did
not complain about this application of the word evil. Condemnation of
O’Neill’s castigation was nonexistent. To call Reagan evil was
fine. But for Reagan to call the USSR evil was unacceptable. The Religious Left and Evil
Interestingly, but not
surprisingly, the left is following this same pattern today with the current
president. History is repeating itself. Liberals object to Bush’s
haughtiness in daring to identify evil by, remarkably, calling him evil,
without seeming to notice the contradiction. Among liberals, the religious left
in particular levels this charge. The religious left calls Bush and his
policies not just evil but un-Christian, and has even drawn moral equivalencies
between Bush and Saddam and Osama bin Laden. Consider some of these examples
from 2002 and 2003: In the days of Bush, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, in the days of
violence to children, lack of trust in financial institutions, incurable
disease and threat of terrorism, Christmas comes to give us songs of hope to
sing. --Methodist Bishop William Dew, Christmas 2002 message to Methodists He [Bush] has brought God in, in handcuffs. This war is not coming from
the council of heaven, it is coming from a council on earth that has not
checked with God about their deeper motivations. --Pastor James A. Forbes, Jr.,
Riverside Church, New York City, February 2003 I cannot profess Christ as my Savior and simultaneously support
preemptive war. I can deny Jesus and support war but I will not. --Jim Winkler,
United Methodist Church, on the war in Iraq, February 26, 2003 The Bush administration’s war on Iraq violates every value we
hold as people of faith and conscience. --Catholic Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of
Detroit, March 24, 2003 Isn’t the slaughter of innocents the job of people like Herod ? .
. . It’s no wonder that the right-wing, theologically punitive
Christianity of George Bush is so despised by the rational world. . . . Jesus
might say to George W. Bush and others who claim to be followers of Jesus:
“And right now, your final judgment test is going to be how you treat my
beloved Iraqi children.” --Gary Kohls, Catholic New Times, March 2003 This is just a sample
of the alarming accusations aimed at George W. Bush from leftists. They, too,
are quite willing to pinpoint what they believe is evil and call it such,
especially when they believe it resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Evil in America
As noted,
while Bush has called certain enemies evil, he has not shied from directing the
finger at America as well. The same was true for Ronald Reagan. In the Evil Empire
speech, Reagan was careful to say that he was not placing America as blameless;
that his nation had its own “legacy of evil.” Reagan actually
applied two evil references to the United States before he leveled them against
the USSR: He cited America’s past denial of rights to minority citizens
and the presence of hate groups in the nation. The left had no problem with
this; it was fine to call the United States evil, but not the USSR. In the Evil Empire speech, Reagan aimed to denounce
moral equivalency. To Reagan, the idea that the United States and USSR were
moral equals, each similarly at fault for the Cold War, was rubbish. As he told
a crowd in Miami in May 1985, Don’t let anyone tell you we’re morally equivalent with the
Soviet Union. . . . We are morally superior, not equivalent, to any
totalitarian regime, and we should be darn proud of it. In short, Ronald
Reagan and George W. Bush were consistent: they saw evil among genuine evils at
home and abroad, and dared to name and excoriate them. Their adversaries on the
left, however, perceive evil only in some of these instances. This is
reflective of the left’s moral relativism and its cultural relativism: a notion
that asserts that all cultures are equal--none can claim superiority over
another. When put to the test, the left always backs down on this one: Nary a
feminist professor, for instance, will endorse the Taliban’s treatment of
women in Afghanistan, Castro’s so-called “homophobia” in
Cuba, or the practice of female circumcision (read: genital mutilation) in some
African cultures. Conclusion
Edmund Burke famously
said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do
nothing.” In our fallen world, the greatest damage is perpetrated by evil
regimes with secret police, with deadly arms, and with little to no conscience,
some of which today harbor or sponsor terrorists. Someone needs to
differentiate such foes. The left will counter by saying that that is the rub:
it is dangerous to have a president naming certain countries as evil. NO, the
danger would be an uninformed, immoral president deciding such things. But
George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan never saw France or Switzerland or Australia
or Brazil or Japan as evil, because the governments in those countries were not
pernicious. Instead, Bush and Reagan recognized evil where it genuinely
existed: the Soviet regime and those in Iraq, Iran, North Korea and
Afghanistan. That’s not dangerous, that’s common sense. * “Greed
has replaced religion as the national religion, and with greed comes
envy.” –Wesley Pruden |
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