Canada’s Cold Shoulder to U.S.
Arnold Beichman
Arnold Beichman, is a Hoover
Institution research fellow, and a columnist for the Washington
Times. His updated biography Herman Wouk, the Novelist as Social
Historian, has just been published. It takes two to
initiate and carry on a cold war. In North America, there is a rather
unusual cold war under way, unusual because there is only one
antagonist, Canada. Or rather I should say
the single antagonist is Canada’s Liberal Party government. The
Liberal Party cold war began in 1968 when the ultra-left Pierre Elliot
Trudeau became prime minister. Trudeau openly admired Fidel Castro. As
between the U.S. and the Soviet Union he was “neutral” against the
U.S. Trudeau’s foreign policy was fairly simple. Anything the United
States was for, Canada was against. The same cold war
anti-American attitude was more evident during the seven years of the
Liberal government headed by Jean Chretien. He truly hated the U.S., so
much so that while the rest of the democratic world expressed its
sympathy in various ways on September 11, 2001, Mr. Chretien failed to
offer a genuine, heartfelt word of solace to the American people in
their hour of grief. For some strange reason, Mr. Chretien could never
understand why he was never invited by President Bush to the Texas ranch
or to Camp David, as was British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The successor Liberal
government headed by Paul Martin, another America hater, has just won a
general election by a minority vote and may not last a year. In the
meantime Mr. Martin has appointed as the Canadian ambassador to UNESCO
Yvon Charbonneau, a man with a record of anti-Semitism. The Liberal
Party could easily rename itself the Anti-American Party. Such a name change, I
am sure, would be welcomed enthusiastically by Carolyn Parrish, a
leading member of the Liberal Party parliamentary caucus. When reporters
asked Miss Parrish about a Canadian initiative at the United Nations
aimed at delaying U.S. military action against Saddam Hussein, she said,
“Damn Americans ... I hate those bastards.” Miss Parrish’s dislike
of Americans has not hurt her at the polls. She has been elected to the
House of Commons four times from her district west of Toronto. And, oh
yes, she no longer refers to Americans as hateful bastards. She now
calls them “idiots.” Now that ought to help the beleaguered Canadian
Embassy in Washington explain Prime Minister Martin and his House of
Commons members’ policy toward the United States. Some years ago, I
debated at a Canadian summer retreat a leading Canadian intellectual,
Gerald Caplan, whose attack on the U.S. could have run in what was once
the leading Soviet journal, Pravda. For Mr. Caplan, a New
Democratic Party (NDP) leader, America was a bloodsucking multinational
corporation. For him, America, not the former Soviet Union, was the evil
empire. He warned that if the NDP ever came to power in Canada, the U.S.
would invade Canada because it would not allow socialism north of the
border. Mr. Caplan’s warning about a possible CIA coup if the NDP ever
won an election got such wide publicity in Canadian media that the
American Embassy felt it had to issue a denial that the U.S. was
contemplating an invasion of Canada. Far more startling is
today’s news: Al-Jazeera, the anti-Semitic, pro-terrorist
Arabic-language news network, has been approved by special dispensation
of a Canadian government agency for distribution in Canada, while Fox
News channel and the Italian state channel RAI have been barred,
according to Daniel Pipes. (Statistical note: there are, 470,000
Italian-speaking Canadians compared with 200,000 Arabic-speaking
Canadians.) In Baghdad, Iraqi
authorities shut down Al-Jazeera, which of course inspired the Canadian
government to allow Al-Jazeera to open for business in Canada. Canadian
distributors admit they have no idea what is being broadcast on Canadian
airwaves. One distributor told
Mr. Pipes: We would have to have somebody 24 hours a day, seven days a week, who spoke Arabic, who understands the Canadian broadcasting standards, and then would be able to black out that particular piece of programming. So we can assume our friendly neighbor to the north is permitting from its own soil a pro-terrorist broadcaster to send terrorist, anti-American propaganda, such as a recent Al-Jazeera broadcast declaring [Jews
are] the descendants of apes and pigs [who] will not be deterred unless
there is a true Holocaust that will exterminate all of them at once. The great paradox of Canada’s anti-U.S. cold war is
the United States is Canada’s biggest trading partner, thanks to the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiated by the
Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in 1989. Something like $1.2
billion dollars a day in goods and services now flows bilaterally across
the 49th Parallel. According to a Standard & Poor’s study,
Canada’s exports to the U.S. have risen from 71 percent in 1990 of
total Canadian exports to 80 percent today. The more profitable to
Canada the bilateral trade relationship, the greater the Canadian
Liberal government’s hostility. The same study, published in the Toronto National
Post, showed
Canada purchases more U.S. goods than the rest of the Western hemisphere
combined, that U.S.-owned firms employ more than 1 million Canadians and
produce about 10 percent of Canada’s gross domestic product (GDP). Despite this symbiotic
American-Canadian relationship, Canada’s official hostility shows no
signs of abating. In fact, it is supported by the socialist New
Democratic Party (NDP) whose membership sees nothing but evil emanating
from south of the 3,987-mile-long border between our two nations. Prime Minister
Martin’s antipathy toward America reminds me of George Orwell’s 1949
commentary: To be anti-American
nowadays is to shout with the mob. Of course, it is only a minor mob but
it is a vocal one. A second rule Orwell described as the anti-American operational code is “when the United States can be insulted, it must be insulted.” Carolyn Parrish and her fellow Liberals have overfilled Orwell’s ironic prescription. *
“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When
there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one
turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms,
like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.” --George Orwell |
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