Outsourcing: Pros and Cons
Murray Weidenbaum
Murray Weidenbaum holds the
Mallinckrodt Distinguished University Professorship at Washington
University where he is also honorary chairman of the Weidenbaum Center
on the Economy, Government, and Public Policy. This speech was a
presentation to the Weidenbaum Center. Overseas outsourcing of jobs has quickly become a
controversial national issue. Some see outsourcing as a way of
maintaining or increasing a company’s competitiveness. Many others
view outsourcing in a far more negative light, focusing on the people
who lose their jobs. Clearly, outsourcing is
not a subject that can be dealt with on a bumper sticker or even on a
30-second sound bite. Let us start with a little background before we
try to come up with any firm conclusions. Outsourcing involves far more
complicated advantages and disadvantages than the debaters on either
side are willing to admit. Why Do Companies
Outsource? Many service companies
started creating jobs overseas to gain access to foreign markets. They
had to audit, consult, and repair where customers are located. To state
the matter mildly, they did not tell their overseas customers that they
had to come here. Moreover, many foreign markets have been growing
quickly while some domestic areas have become relatively saturated or at
least mature. Simultaneously, some domestic businesses hired
specialized workers stationed overseas to respond to U.S. limits on
immigration. When these American employers could not get those workers
to come here, they had to send the work to them. While doing so, the
companies learned how to use modern technology to shift the location of
work economically. They thus became accustomed to taking advantage of
lower costs, domestic and foreign. Moreover, the shift of
some telemarketing and customer service jobs overseas followed an
earlier pattern within the United States when such work was outsourced
from urban to rural areas where labor costs were lower. Telecommuting
from employees’ homes also helped pave the way for some enterprises to
extend the process to new suppliers, at home and abroad. Viewing these matters
in a broader perspective, the age of economic isolationism has long
since passed. In various industries -- ranging from banking to consumer
products to job placement services -- leading firms report that their
overseas revenues exceed their domestic sales. Despite the shift to
India of some domestic call center work, approximately 60 percent of the
revenue of American information technology companies originates
overseas. Most fundamentally,
many companies are focusing their efforts on their core competence. It
is the rare enterprise that produces an entire product by itself -- or
even half of the end value. Most businesses subcontract out most of
their activities to other companies, mainly domestic. Viewed from that
perspective, overseas sourcing is a minor part of the trend to
decentralize business operations. Nevertheless, over time
many American corporations came to appreciate how frequently the higher
productivity of U.S. workers offset the wage differentials and other
costs of operating overseas. Thus they quickly encountered practical
limits to offshore outsourcing. To put the matter bluntly, no company
can outsource the management, responsibility, or accountability of its
activities. On the other hand,
outsourcing can help a company operate in an increasingly competitive
global marketplace. Many U.S. companies learned the benefits of drawing
on workers stationed in other countries. Outsourcing can enable a
business to provide 24/7 coverage, especially for consumers who need
around-the-clock support. It is frequently impractical for a firm to
adopt a unilateral policy against outsourcing work -- especially when
its foreign and domestic competitors are doing it. There is also a growing division of labor. For
example, system designers in the United States working closely with the
retailer may conceive the inventory-management software that helps use
electronic product tags more effectively. But once the system has been
mapped out, the actual software code can be written by programmers in
India. All sorts of adjustments are being made in
this complicated world. For example, in 2003, Delta Airlines outsourced
1,000 jobs to India, but the $25 million in savings allowed the company
to add 1,200 reservation and sales positions in the United States. Large
software companies Microsoft and Oracle have simultaneously increased
both outsourcing and their domestic payrolls. It is important to gain some perspective by seeing the
relative importance of domestically and internationally produced
services. Much of the current controversy focuses on information
technology (IT). In 2003, approximately $120 billion was spent on IT in
the United States. Approximately 1.4 percent was moved offshore.
However, the 98.6 percent of the work that stayed here was not deemed
newsworthy. In total, about 400,000
U.S. positions in information technology have gone offshore. Meanwhile,
total U.S. employment rose from 129 million in 1993 to 138 million in
2003, mainly in services. It turns out that, contrary to much of the
heated public discussion, the international movement of services is very
positive to the American economy. That is so because American corporations are not the
only companies that engage in offshoring. In 2003, for example, the
United States imported (that is, offshored) $87 billion of business
services. Yes, that included a lot of relatively low-skilled call center
and data entry work done in lower-cost developing countries. But, in the same year,
we exported (that is, companies in other nations offshored to us) $134
billion of business services. That “insourcing” generated a
substantial array of relatively high-skilled jobs in engineering,
management consulting, banking, and legal services. On average,
“insourced” jobs pay 16 percent above the national average. A net
balance of $47 billion flowed to the United States. That is more than a
60 percent increase over 1994, a decade earlier. This good news rarely
surfaces in the often emotional debates on offshoring. The Limits to and Dangers
of Outsourcing A word of warning, however, is necessary in the face
of the current business enthusiasm for overseas workers. Companies who
outsource just because “everybody is doing it” may be surprised by
unexpected costs and complications. About one-half of the outsourcing
arrangements are terminated, for a variety of reasons. Some new overseas
vendors encounter financial difficulties or are acquired by other firms
with different procedures and priorities. Businesses that
arbitrarily set a fixed percentage of work to be outsourced likely will
regret it. Newcomers to overseas contracting may find themselves dealing
with unreliable suppliers who put their work aside when they gain a more
important client or their overseas vendor may suffer rapid turnover of
skilled employees who find jobs with more desirable firms. Typical
Indian operations in business processing -- including call centers and
offices handling payroll, accounting, and human resources functions --
often lose 15-20 percent of their work forces each year. While software
programming skills are plentiful in some parts of Asia, good managerial
experience is very limited. Other costly
complications can arise. Local highways and transportation networks may
be inadequate. Some overseas companies wind up busing their employers to
and from work. Also, electricity may not be available as assuredly as in
the United States, where blackouts are very infrequent. Some American companies
are paying much more for real estate for their offshoring activities
than they would in the United States. That negative differential occurs
for two reasons. One is the cost of upgrading poor infrastructure
overseas. The second reason is the fact that inexpensive overseas labor
pools are usually found in very large cities, while facilities such as
call centers back home are located in lower-cost suburban and rural
areas. Some U.S. companies limit their outsourcing to routine
engineering and maintenance tasks because they worry that their core
technology may be swiped by vendors in Asia that do not respect
intellectual property rights. U.S. firms also may encounter a variety of
unanticipated difficulties, such as dealing with arcane legal systems
and meeting the requirements of different tax and regulatory agencies.
Moreover, they may more frequently encounter corrupt officials in the
public sector. Furthermore, overseas managers often do not understand
the American business environment -- our customers, lingo, traditions,
and high quality control and expectations for prompt delivery of goods
and performance of services. Dell moved its call center support for
corporate business from India back to the United States in 2003. Its
clients had complained about foreigners speaking English in
hard-to-follow accents and giving vague answers to technical questions.
Given the continued flow of complaints from individual customers, we may
wonder what further pullbacks may occur. What Happens to the
Company’s Employees? The effect of
outsourcing on U.S. employment is far more complicated than it appears
at first. The visible part (the tip of the iceberg) is widely known.
Some U.S. employees lose their jobs or get shifted to less desirable
work. In recent years, this iceberg may have a very large tip. However,
any serious analysis must extend to the rest of the iceberg. Looking at the total
employment effects of outsourcing, the less visible part of the impact
is much larger. Far more U.S. employees keep their jobs because
outsourcing helps the company stay competitive. Some get new or better
jobs because the firm enhances its financial strength. For example, as
companies upgrade their software systems, there may be less domestic
demand for basic programmers -- but more need for higher paid systems
integrators. Corporate IT
departments report that they are changing their mix of in-house skills.
They now give more emphasis to managerial experience, business process
knowledge, and understanding the domestic customer. These capabilities
rarely can be provided effectively from an overseas location. Outsourcing and the
savings it generates are the beginning -- not the end -- of the
adjustment process. Cost reductions from outsourcing can open up new
market opportunities for U.S. companies and thus generate additional
jobs here at home. The companies also can afford to buy new equipment
and expand training programs. Hence, higher domestic labor costs can be
offset by higher worker productivity. Over time, there is a positive feedback effect from
outsourcing. As poor countries overseas develop their economies, new
markets are created for U.S.-made products and services. China already
has become a major importer of industrial and consumer goods as well as
of agricultural products and raw materials. In time, India is likely to
do the same. Moreover, economic trends rarely move in a
straight line for long periods of time. Salaries of IT personnel in
India are reported to be rising at 15-20 percent a year. In addition, a
lot of hidden costs arise, such as the need for U.S.-based managers to
visit the overseas sites from time to time to assure that the work being
performed meets the standards of the American firm. Some historical
perspective is also useful. In the early 19th century, the United States
was a poor, developing country. European capital helped finance our
canals, railroads, steel mills, and other factories. American workers
began to manufacture goods that competed with European production. Because markets were relatively open, Europeans as
well as Americans benefited in the process. Economic growth and job
creation occurred on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Currently,
service providers overseas require American-made computers,
telecommunications equipment, and software. They also obtain legal,
financial, and marketing services from United States sources. Their
employees and their families increasingly are customers of American
products. What Is the Net Effect on
the USA? On reflection, most service jobs cannot be outsourced.
Personal contact is vital in virtually all business activities. It takes
domestic companies to tailor new products and services to the needs of
local customers. Most of the people we work with regularly remain close
by. We normally do not take long domestic trips to see our doctor or
dentist or lawyer or accountant. Much less do we go to New Delhi or
Manila for those purposes. One of the great
strengths of the American economy is that we have a very open labor
market. That characteristic is basic to this nation’s economic
vitality. Approximately one million workers are laid off or quit each
week and an equal number is hired in their place. It is much harder to
lay off workers in Europe or Japan than here. However, there is another
side to the coin. Employers there are very reluctant to take on new
workers. In striking contrast, American companies are much more likely
to add personnel -- and they do so. Over the years, far more new jobs are created in the
United States than are outsourced. Moreover, many foreign companies have
been setting up operations in the United States and they hire American
workers to staff these operations. Our more realistic labor policies do
work, while their labor policy “straightjackets” do not. By its
nature, a strong and flexible labor market has plenty of movement -- out
of some jobs and into others. The bottom line is
clear: the United States creates far more new jobs (net of layoffs) than
Europe and Japan combined. We have the highest proportion (66 percent)
of the population employed of all industrialized countries. The record also shows that groundbreaking technology
-- rather than international competition -- is the major cause of
layoffs, and of new hires. Technological progress is the heart of the
dynamic American job-creating economy. Our positive technology
environment also encourages foreign manufacturers, such as
pharmaceutical companies, to set up laboratories here. Let me add a factual
note to the emotional debate on the loss of manufacturing jobs. Despite
lower wages abroad, foreign firms have chosen to produce automobiles
made by high-wage American workers. Examples include Honda in Ohio,
Mercedes-Benz in Alabama, BMW in South Carolina, and Toyota in
California. Moreover, while direct
manufacturing employment has been declining, total U.S. production of
manufactured goods has risen about 40 percent over the past decade. This
is a tribute to rapidly advancing productivity. By the way, this
combination of trends is an international phenomenon. In recent years,
China, Japan, and Brazil each lost more manufacturing jobs than did the
United States. A portion of the
reported decline in manufacturing employment is a statistical quirk. So
is a part of the rise in service employment. That offsetting change
results when a manufacturing company contracts out some of its support
activities. After all, converting a business function from an overhead
burden center in an industrial corporation to a profit center in a
service firm is a prod to achieving greater efficiency. It helps keep
American businesses more competitive. As for the corporate profits that
may result from outsourcing, we tend to forget that the typical
shareholder is a pension fund or a mutual fund representing ordinary
Americans. What Should We Do? Do those who advocate
laws against American business outsourcing overseas really believe that
foreign governments would not retaliate? My guess is that they never
even thought about the fact that, in a global marketplace, companies all
over the world are outsourcing. The United States is both the world’s
largest exporter as well as the world’s largest importer. In other
words, we have the greatest stake in maintaining open markets -- at home
and abroad. As in many other forms
of regulation, proposed government restraints on outsourcing would have
all sorts of unanticipated adverse consequences. Recently, the
University of Maryland requested an exemption from a proposed
prohibition on outsourcing by agencies and departments of the federal
government. It turns out that the university maintains a network of
training centers at many U.S. overseas installations. The alternative to
increasing the skills of Americans stationed overseas via
“outsourcing” would be to hire foreigners with the needed skills! Hysterics aside, the Information Technology
Association reports that setting up the “do-not-call” list already
has eliminated more call-center jobs than all of the outsourcing to
India. Conversely, not every job created overseas means that an American
job has been lost. For example, in the past, U.S. airlines traditionally
did not pursue small billing discrepancies with travel agencies because
it was not worth the cost. Now, using cheaper Indian workers, the
airlines can afford to correct small billing errors. For the airlines,
it is a welcome saving, while those are new jobs in India. Ironically, experts on
offshoring report that all of the publicity on offshoring -- unfavorable
as well as favorable -- has been generating more awareness on the part
of U.S. companies of the potential benefits of outsourcing overseas! Nevertheless, the national debate on offshoring
requires a constructive response, especially in a presidential election
year. Many of the people who lose their jobs are truly hurting. If
old-style protectionism is not a good answer, what should we do? The positive approach is to enhance the
productivity and competitiveness of American workers. IBM recently
announced the creation of a new $25 million retraining program for
employees who worry about losing their jobs to outsourcing. More fundamentally, the
fact that we have the highest high school dropout rate of all
industrialized nations is nothing that can be blamed on foreigners. Nor
can we be proud of the fact that, at the other end of the skill
spectrum, the United States has fallen from third to seventeenth among
nations in terms of the share of 18- to 24-year-olds who earn degrees in
science and engineering. Also, let us not overlook all the regulatory
and tax barriers to innovation and to more efficient domestic production
of goods and services that have been erected by the U.S. government. An agenda of economic
reforms is long overdue in order to make the United States a more
attractive place to hire -- and keep -- productive employees. It is
fascinating to contemplate that, if we would adopt such a positive
approach to the outsourcing debate, the unexpected results would be real
and positive for American workers.
* “Language has been an
important weapon in the ‘gay’ movement’s very swift advance. In
the old days, there was ‘sodomy’: an act. In the late l9th century,
the word ‘homosexuality’ was coined: a condition. A generation ago,
the accepted term became ‘gay’: an identity. Each formulation raises
the stakes: One can object to and even criminalize an act; one is
obligated to be sympathetic toward a condition; but once it’s a fully
fledged 24/7 identity, like being Hispanic or Inuit, anything less than
wholehearted acceptance gets you marked down as a bigot.” --Mark Steyn |
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