A Win for Property Rights
John D’Aloia Jr
John D’Aloia Jr. is a retired navy
captain and a submarine commander. He is a columnist for several
newspapers in Kansas. Amazing! There is still
hope that the Constitution will survive. On July 30, 2004, the Michigan
Supreme Court overturned its infamous 23-year standing Poletown
decision. In 1981, the Michigan Supreme Court allowed the City of
Detroit to use eminent domain to bulldoze the Poletown neighborhood and
give the land to General Motors for an auto plant. In the process, the
city destroyed more than 1,000 homes, 600 businesses, and many churches
-- and the social fabric of an entire neighborhood. Fast forward to 1999,
when several landowners refused to sell their land to Wayne County for a
proposed business and technology park because their land was going to be
given to the private developers of the park. The eminent domain case, County
of Wayne v. Hathcock (Hathcock was the first landowner listed in the
case), reached the state supreme court. In a unanimous decision, the
court stated “The county is without constitutional authority to
condemn the properties.” And We overrule Poletown in order to vindicate our constitution, protect the
people’s property rights and preserve the legitimacy of the judicial
branch as the expositor, not creator, of fundamental law. The judge who wrote the
lead opinion called the Poletown decision a “radical departure from
fundamental constitutional principles.” Right there, on page 4 of the
decision, the justices invoked the doctrine of original intent, stating: In this case, Wayne County intends to transfer the condemned properties to
private parties in a manner wholly inconsistent with the common
understanding of “public use” at the time our Constitution was
ratified. Chip Mellor, president and general counsel of the Institute for
Justice, stated It [Poletown] was a terrible mistake. Now, the Michigan Supreme Court has
restored the rights of all Michiganders to keep their homes and
businesses, even if another, politically connected private business
wants them. This is a great day for property rights nationwide. Without as much
fanfare, the Michigan Supreme Court also decided another eminent domain
case in favor of the property owner. Wayne County promised a citizen
whose land was under threat of seizure by eminent domain for a stadium
that if the person sold the land to the city, it would not give the land
to a private party. After the sale, the county gave the land to a
private developer. The owner sued, claiming that the project was an
improper use of eminent domain powers by the county and that the county
did what it had promised not to do. Ultimately, the case had to be
appealed to the state supreme court. The court returned the property to
its rightful owner. The Poletown decision
became the grandfather of a long series of court decisions across the
country that gave governments the ability to use eminent domain to
confiscate private property and give it to what amounts the highest
bidder. Two egregious examples in Kansas were the use of eminent domain
to build the NASCAR track and to put together the parcel of land
demanded by Target for its distribution center, both thefts blessed by
the Kansas Supreme Court. May the Kansas Supreme Court reverse itself
when the next property theft by eminent domain case comes before it. How a government uses eminent domain provides an
insight into how politicians define public purpose. If elected
representatives use eminent domain for economic development by taking
one man’s property to give to another, it is a pretty safe bet that in
all issues, they have an expansive definition of public purpose, willing
to stretch the definition and use your tax dollars for every neat
project that comes down the pike and tickles their emotions, with little
or no concern about the country’s basic principles of limited
government, open markets, and the natural and Constitutional rights of
individuals. In a nutshell, they are Guardians. They know best how you
should live. That the Guardians are less than omniscient in such matters
is also borne out by the Poletown project. Scott Bullock, an attorney
with the Institute of Justice, said The Poletown project itself also did not come close to living
up to the promises. In all likelihood, it destroyed more jobs than it
created. On the contrary, when
elected officials refuse to use eminent domain for anything but the most
obvious projects that fit the original and restrictive definition of
eminent domain, they are demonstrating that for them, the term public
purpose has a narrow definition and they will be loath to invoke it to
give away your tax dollars and restrict your freedom and natural rights. * “Republics are created by
the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall,
when the wise are banished from the public councils, because they dare
to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded, because they flatter the
people, in order to betray them.” --Joseph Story |
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