Know Thy Enemy:Defeating the Islamic JihadMelvin E. Kriesel
Colonel Melvin (Buzz) Kriesel has an
extensive record of military service overseas including the Canal Zone
in Panama, Vietnam and India. He has commanded many different types of
units, including Army Airborne, Special Forces, Military Intelligence,
and Psychological Operations. He has served as an attaché to various
embassies, and as military advisor to Ambassador Daniel P. Moynihan and
Ambassador William B. Saxbe. President
Bush declared war on terrorism immediately after the devastating
terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Regrettably, the terminology he
used to declare war has complicated our struggle from the outset. Bound
by political correctness and “tolerance,” the President did not
clearly define the enemy we are fighting. This violates a principle of
war taught by Sun Tzu in 510 B.C., “Know Thy Enemy.” Our
enemy in this war is not “terrorism.” We cannot attack terrorism,
because there is no state or political entity by that name. In other
words, it is impossible to declare war on an enemy’s weapons, tactics
or strategy—they are formless concepts. Here
is the reality we face. We are at war with Islamic extremists who have
declared a Jihad (Holy War) against us. They are using terrorism
as a psychological weapon to counter the overwhelming military and
economic might of the West. The
warriors in this struggle go by many names—Mujahideen, Shahids,
Salafiyya, and other Islamic terms. Other names include Islamists,
Jihadists, Wahhabists and recently, Islamo-fascists. Whatever you
choose to call them, they have global reach and their numbers are
increasing. Confronting
the Jihad is complicated by the difficulty of estimating the
number of Muslims who directly or indirectly support the militants. In
any case, we are dealing with some very large numbers. The population of
Muslims across the globe is estimated at between 1.2 and 1.5 billion. If
a global conflict with Islam were to occur the numbers of warriors
available for Jihad is immense. We
should have realized that we were at war with the Islamists at least 25
years before September 11, 2001. However, we chose to ignore the probing
attacks we were receiving. We now recognize 9/11 as our modern Pearl
Harbor. At 8:46 a.m. on that terrible September morning, we lost over
3,000 men and women to the enemy. This closely approximates our
casualties at Pearl Harbor at the beginning of WW II. There
are another parallels to WW II that may apply to our present struggle
with the Islamists. A modern Dunkirk in the Middle East may occur if the
terrorist attacks and suicide bombings in Iraq force a withdrawal of our
forces before stability is restored to the country. Bloodied by our
experience in Iraq, we may conclude that the job of democratic nation
building within the bloody borders of Islam is too hard. This loss of
political will may compel a complete withdrawal from the Middle East.
Another Holocaust could result as Jews in Israel are slaughtered in a
genocidal Muslim rage and Christians are cleansed from the region. Is
this an extremist scenario? Perhaps. However, part of the scenario is
already taking place in Egypt where Coptic Christians are under a
genocidal assault by the Muslim Brotherhood. In other parts of the
Muslim world, Islamic rage is killing thousands of Christians: in the
Indonesian Molluccas (islands) where violent Muslims have killed
over 5,000 Christians in the past decade and driven an estimated 500,000
people from their homes; it is occurring in the Sudan and Pakistan where
the murder of Christians living under shari’a government is
routine; in Nigeria, and Kenya where Muslims are killing Christians who
are resisting the establishment of shari’a (Islamic religious
law and government) in those countries. These are only a few of the
nations experiencing violent assaults by radical Muslim extremists. The problem of locating and destroying the widely dispersed, highly decentralized forces of the Jihad is proving to be extremely difficult. Mounting an effective defense against their operations is equally challenging if not impossible. This is because their attacks do not have traditional military objectives. They are instead, a part of one of the deadliest psychological warfare campaigns ever waged. The
PSYWAR campaign has the global objective of generating a mass movement
within Islam against the West. The enemy’s near-term objective is to
destroy Israel and drive U.S. forces from the Middle East. His ultimate
objective is the establishment of shari’a in target countries
in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and, eventually, the world. We
should have known that this war was coming. On February 23, 1998, the Jihadists
gave the world a clear warning of their intent to attack the West. On
that date, a fatwa (religious ruling) signed by Osama bin-Laden and the principal leaders
of the Jihadist “base,”
formally declared Jihad against Jews and Crusaders—the
Crusaders being Christians generally but specifically, the United States
as the leader of the West. Few Americans have read or even heard of this
fatwa. The media and academia largely ignored the fatwa as
just another rant by Islamic extremists even though it foretold 9/11 and
outlined the Jihadist strategy. The
terrorist bombing of a train in Madrid, Spain on March 11, 2004, is a
perfect illustration of the effectiveness of psychological terror in
this struggle. The bombing in Madrid was an immense human tragedy, with
more than 200 killed and over 1,000 wounded. It was also a disaster for
the Western world. This single incident led to the defeat of Prime
Minister Aznar by the Socialists in Spain as well as the subsequent
pullout of Spanish soldiers from Iraq. It is a classic case of
psychological defeat and a shameful act of appeasement. It also confirms
Jihadists’ contempt for the weakness and the cowardice of the
West and encourages further attacks aimed at the very heart of Europe. The
Spanish electorate is not alone in failing to grasp the simple fact that
we are engaged in a death struggle with radical Islam. That simple fact,
broadly denied by the media and academia, makes us supremely vulnerable
to our enemy’s use of terror weapons against us. Unless we understand
whom we are fighting and why he is attacking us, we will be defeated. Broadly
speaking, this is war of ideas. It is a struggle for the minds of men
who are willing to bear any sacrifice for their distorted faith—even
suicidal death. If we are unable to discern the political and
psychological centers of gravity in this conflict, we risk an insurgent
mass movement within Islam of epic proportions. Noted scholar Samuel P.
Huntington has described this potential conflict in a Clash of
Civilizations. Huntington’s book should be required reading if for
no other reason than that he predicted 9/11. He also forecasts a
profound struggle within Islam as moderate Muslims struggle to recapture
their faith from the extremists. Regrettably, and as predicted by
Huntington, the extremists seem to be winning. There
are those who disagree with Huntington and argue that his thesis is
exaggerated and too alarmist. However, terrorist trend lines indicate
that Huntington is correct in his pessimistic assessment of the threat
we are facing. As we are seeing in Iraq and Afghanistan and throughout
the Middle East, the virulent hatred and intolerance of militant Islam
makes it an extremely tough, resilient enemy. It is also obvious that
the cultural clash that pits Islam against the West is now occurring. We
may even be in the early stages of an Islamic mass movement that is
likely to increase in religious fervor and violence. Most
moderate Muslims continue to strenuously maintain that Islam is a
religion of peace and tolerance. They maintain that the extremists do
not represent the majority of Muslims who only want to live in peace.
This may be true; however, non-Muslims are beginning to argue that Islam
has an ingrained militancy—that ultimately, the religion lends itself
to militant extremism. Others point to the violence that accompanied the
early history of Islam’s spectacular expansion. A tendency to violence
may also be inferred from the bloody conflicts now occurring throughout
the Muslim world. It
is therefore difficult to deny that modern Islamic extremism indicates
that Islam has a dark side that is being exploited by the leaders of the
modern Jihad. It can also be shown that these deeply ingrained
tendencies relate directly to two militant trends that converged in
Egypt and now find expression in al-Qaeda as the “base” for
all modern Islamist movements. The
first of these militant trends is that which derives from the teaching
of an 18th Century fanatic by the name of Ibn Abdul Wahhab, who preached
in a remote region of what is now Saudi Arabia. Significantly, Wahhab
married the daughter of a local chieftain by the name of Ibn Saud. Ibn
Saud lent his name to what would become the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
This formed a religious/political alliance that lasts down to the
present day—one shielding the other in a deadly marriage of religious
and political convenience. Ibn
Abdul Wahhab was fanatically puritanical in his fundamentalist beliefs.
He also proclaimed Jihad to be the sixth pillar of Islam
declaring Jihad
is the ultimate manifestation of Islam . . . it is a furnace in which
Muslims are melted out and which allow the separation of the bad Muslim
from the good one. He
declared Jihad a religious duty for all Muslims and condemned all
enemies as polytheists who have no right to live. This set the stage for
much of the cruelty and terror practiced by Wahhab’s present day
adherents known collectively as Wahhabi. Today,
militant Wahhabism is the official religion of Saudi Arabia.
Funded by Saudi oil revenue, Wahhabism is in a period of
aggressive expansion across the Muslim world. A Wahhabi directed,
Saudi financed, building boom has resulted in thousands of new mosques
and madrassas (Islamic schools) under construction or recently
completed in countries that stretch from the northern edges of Africa to
the eastern islands of the Philippines. This funding and support often
creates madrassas that become factories for the creation of
suicide bombers and religious cannon fodder for al-Qaeda and its
associated Islamic groups. The
Wahhabi movement is also strong in the West. It exists in the
mosques of London, Paris, Bonn, Madrid, Rome, and in North America’s
streets and prisons. We are learning from captured converts that
militant Wahhabism is the central Islamic doctrine used to find
converts in the West. The
second militant trend is the Salafist movement. It melds with and
supports the Wahhabist inspired Islamic Jihad. Like the Wahhabi,
the Salafists seek to return Islam to its earliest roots or to the Islam practiced by
the first two generations of Muslims. The Salafists
join the Wahhabi in a shared conviction that they are the only true Muslims; all other
forms of Islam are shirk or
unbelief. Unless you profess their brand of Islam you are a polytheist
and an apostate and must be converted or killed. The
Salafists also believe that shari’a and the principles
of religious law must replace secular law in all Muslim states and
societies. (The implementation of shari’a is now the driving
force behind Muslim violence in the Sudan, Kenya, and Nigeria. It can be
expected to manifest itself throughout Europe and North America as
growing Muslim communities demand their own shari’a-based
religious courts and jurisprudence.) The
movement directing the Salafist Jihad is the Al-Ikhwan
al-Muslimeen (Muslim Brotherhood) that originated in Egypt in 1928.
A schoolteacher named Hassan al Banna formed the Ikhwan. Al Banna
declared that violent Jihad is the means Muslims must use to
establish a shari’a-based society. Sayyid
Qtub, a radical Islamist theologian, later refined al Banna’s doctrine
and focused it on direct appeals to violence. Qutb formally declared
that there could never be peace with the West. He also taught that all
existing Islamic states and their rulers were not true Muslims but
pagans who must be destroyed. He called for Jihad against all
rulers in the Middle East and against society in general. Qtub
led several unsuccessful attempts to assassinate Egyptian Leader Gamal
Abdel Nasser. Nasser finally cracked down and arrested Qutb and many of
the Ikhwan ringleaders. They were hanged in 1966. Nasser’s
crackdown forced the Muslim Brotherhood underground. It survived by
splitting into a number of associated extremist groups. One offshoot,
the Gamma al Islamiyya, produced Ayman al-Zawahiri, the half-mad,
but brilliant fanatic and associate of Osama bin-Laden. Al-Zawahiri was
closely associated with the Gamma leader, Sheikh Omar
Abdel-Rahman. Together they successfully plotted the assassination of
Anwar Sadat and directed the brutal massacre of 66 tourists at Luxor in
1997. They also began a genocidal attack on Egyptian Coptic Christians
that continues today. Where
are they now? Al Zawahiri is hiding some place in Northeastern
Afghanistan with a $25 million price on his head. Sheikh Omar is sitting
in a federal penitentiary in Missouri after being convicted of
masterminding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. It
is important to remember that we are fighting a war with a radical
faction within Islam that seeks our complete overthrow. Their numbers
are growing despite our efforts to interdict their operations and
destroy their cells. Be assured, they will not cease operations until
they are either completely destroyed or until moderate Muslims come
forward to unequivocally reject the Jihad they are being called
to support. Military
operations directed by timely intelligence is crucial to winning the
war. However, there are other, equally important actions we can take to
deny the Islamists the shari’a-based world they are seeking to
establish. First,
we have been largely ineffective in countering the Jihad messages
being sent by Islamic fundamentalist to Muslims around the world. This
is because our diplomacy apparatus is in complete disarray. Margaret
Tutweiler, who headed the Office of Public Diplomacy, recently resigned.
Her departure will not impact our diplomacy offensive, as there is none
worthy of the word “offensive.” This comes at a time in our history
when there has never been a greater need for effective information
operations. Unfortunately,
the United States Information Agency formed to fight the Cold War was
disestablished by the Clinton Administration in 1999. It should be
reactivated to lead this campaign. Our diplomacy offensive should also
connect directly with target audiences in the Muslim world. This can be
done by such things as training more Arabists, Arab speakers and public
relations specialists oriented on the Muslim world, by increasing
scholarships and visiting fellowships for Muslim academics, by building
U.S.-sponsored libraries and information centers throughout the Muslim
world, and by translating more Western books into Arabic. Until this is
done, we are at the mercy of al Jazeera and can only watch as support
for America continues to erode. Secondly,
we have to protect and give a voice to moderate Muslims in the Middle
East and elsewhere, who want to speak out against their violent
co-religionists. This includes Muslims within our own borders. Moderate
Muslims in particular must be called upon to reject the hatred and
violence being directed against Jews, Christians and other religions. In
other words Muslims must begin to demonstrate that Islam is a tolerant
religion as proven by deeds as well as words. They can begin by
demanding that mosques and madrassas cease preaching the
extremism of the Wahhabi sect before it completely infects their
faith. Finally,
the commission created to investigate 9/11 must face a truth that they
(and our congressional leaders) have been reluctant to confront. The
commission should connect the dots that lead to illicit Saudi Arabian
monetary and logistics support for the men who conducted the attacks of
9/11. The involvement of the Saudi government in 9/11 should be
completely investigated and their actions, if complicit, revealed to the
American people and the world. To conclude, we are in a global war with
Islamic extremism. The Islamists are putting us to the test in Iraq.
They do not seek to turn Iraq into another Vietnam. They are trying to
turn Iraq into another Afghanistan and do to us what they did to the
Soviet Union—force a humiliating withdrawal. We simply must not let
that happen and withdraw in the face of adversity as we did in Beirut
and Mogadishu. A
majority of Americans understand something the pundits are reluctant to
recognize—the war in Iraq is directly linked to the global war with
militant Islam. If we end up losing in Iraq it won’t be because the
American people were too soft or unwilling to stick with the President
when the going got tough. They also understand what former statesman
Dean Acheson meant when he said, No
People in history have ever survived who thought they could protect
their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.
Ω “Who
can forget those so-called ‘experts’ who said our military buildup
threatened a dangerous escalation of tensions? What kind of fool, they
asked, would call the Soviet Union an ‘Evil Empire’?”—Ronald
Reagan |
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