Reagan’s Obit
In the New York Times
Arnold Beichman
Arnold Beichman, is a Hoover
Institution research fellow and a columnist for The Washington
Times. Among the most
ungenerous and uninformed obituary comments about President Reagan, I
give the cup to Thomas Cronin, the McHugh Professor of American
Institutions at Colorado College. With sneering rhetoric he is quoted in
the New York Times obituary that Americans evaluate the greatness
of a president on “criteria that are over and above popularity and
re-election,” criteria that in Cronin’s opinion President Reagan
obviously did not fulfill. Quoted by the New
York Times, Cronin credited President Reagan with enhancing national
security with successfully negotiating the 1987 I.N.F. (Intermediate
Range Nuclear Forces) treaty, but asked: Did he expand opportunities for all
Americans regardless of race, gender or income bracket? It’s my view
Reagan has not enlarged the equity factor nor the educational
opportunities for most Americans. And the Reagan
presidency was lacking in moral leadership, he said, an essential
quality for greatness. “He was too late, too little and too lame when
it came to human rights abuses at home and abroad,’’ Professor
Cronin said. “He was not willing to be a leader.’’ Cronin is one of the
mainstream American historians who, when they are not trying to write
Reagan out of history, ignore his spectacular achievement, one which
undoubtedly saved millions and millions of lives, an achievement which
even Russian leaders recognized was Reagan’s and only Reagan’s: his
policies ended the Cold War without a hot war Also ignored by Cronin
is that Reagan inherited from the calamitous Carter administration a
recession which Reagan policies turned around in two years. As Martin
Anderson pointed out in his book Revolution, Reagan presided over
the longest economic expansion in American history, an expansion that
helped create 16 million new jobs. Cronin kisses off as a mere trifle Reagan’s historic
achievement. Reagan policies not only averted Soviet aggression but
ended the Soviet Union as a threat to all humanity. He freed mankind
from the overhanging threat of nuclear destruction. Eastern and Central
Europe, under Soviet domination for half-a-century, was liberated thanks
to Reagan’s foreign policy and pronouncements about the “evil
empire” for which he was savagely attacked by the liberal left. Reagan
removed the fear of nuclear war. Such findings are not mere right wing
boasts. Russians have said publicly that it was Reagan and his Star Wars
program—the Strategic Defense Initiative—that set them on the road
to ruin and collapse. To have scorned the Reagan leadership in winning
the Cold War would be like ignoring Lincoln’s leadership in ending
chattel slavery. What is lamentable about Cronin’s scholarship is
that he has ignored the volumes of letters and manuscripts which have
been published in a recent book under the title Reagan, In His Own
Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan that Reveal His Revolutionary Vision
for America.
This documentation was so stunning a revelation that Lou Cannon,
Reagan’s biographer, has begun a revision of his earlier volume to
include the revelatory implications of the volume of Reagan’s
manuscripts. And even more lamentable is that few, if any, of the
obituaries will remember these words of Ronald Reagan at the Bergen
Belsen dedication of the Holocaust Museum: Here
lie people—Jews—whose death was inflicted for no other reason than
their very existence. Here death ruled. . . . As we flew here, over the
greening farms and the emerging springtime, I reflected that there must
have been a time when the prisoners of Bergen-Belsen and those of every
other camp must have felt that the springtime was gone forever from
their lives. Here they lie. Never to hope. Never to pray. Never to love.
Never to heal. Never to laugh. Never to cry. Never again.
Ω “Don’t be afraid
to see what you see.”—Ronald Reagan |
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