Religion in China
Arnold Beichman
Arnold Beichman, a Hoover
Institution research fellow, is a columnist for The Washington Times.
Some years ago ata Washington meeting on the future of Asia, one of
the panelists was the military attaché at the Chinese Embassy. The
then-head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Deng Xiao-ping, was busy
introducing the first of many internal reforms, explaining Marxism
didn’t have all the answers.
At the end of the panel presentations, I asked the Chinese diplomat
whether, in the light of Mr.Deng’s surprising announcement, the
People’s Republic of China (PRC) was still a Marxist-Leninist state.
He stared at me and then began talking rapidly in Chinese. We were
all amazed, because until that moment he had been speaking in better than
passable English. In any case, the translation didn’t answer my
Later I realized that while Mr. Deng’s China was revising
Marxism, the other half of Communist ideology, Leninism—the totalitarian
party—was unamendable and that for the Chinese leadership Leninism,
unlike Marxism, has all the answers.
In other words, neither Mr. Deng nor any of his successors were
going to do a Gorbachev—that is, rob a Leninist dictatorship of its
revolutionary legitimacy.
The best proof ofmy thesis, that the PRC is welded to Leninism
(while Marxism is in the eye of the revisionist beholder), is how badly to
this very day religious Chinese are treated by the party, the police and
the government. And I say to this very day because of the January 6
appearance in the official party organ, People’s Daily, of the
latest article denouncing religion and congregants in language that goes
back to theearly post-revolution days in Russia.
The Soviet CP established a national newspaper called the Bezbozhnik,
“The Godless,” and in 1925 it established the “League of the
Godless” in a campaign against the Russian Orthodox Church.
In China, the People’sDaily message touting“ scientific
atheism” against what it calls “theism” is this: You can diddle with
the economy as much as you can get away with, but you risk life and limb
when you organize any institution, especially a religious
institution, that might threaten CCP totalitarian power. As I read the People’s
Daily article, I thought to myself: How can anyone conceive of a
reunion of Taiwan, a democratic land offree religious practice and free
trade unions, with a Communist dictatorship—one that regards all
religions as contemptible? The
People’s Daily commentary by Gong Xuezeng, a prolific
anti-religion propagandist, is titled “Education in materialism, atheism
must be further enhanced.” Particularly noteworthy is that the article
refers twice to onetime President Jiang Zemin, as the ultimate authority
and ignores his successor, Hu Jintao. Communist
Party members, says Mr.Jiang, “not only must not believe in religions;
they also must propagandize atheism and the scientific world view to the
masses of the people.” The writer says, “In the end, scientific
atheism will overcome theism” but he warns “the struggle between
atheism and theism will be a long one.” The
Gong article is written in at hick, doughy language nowhere else to be
heard today except among academic leftists in Western universities. In the
PRC, party prose creates the or ethical euphemisms to mask what really
happens to Chinese who believe in God and church. To learn what is truly
going on, I turned to the State Department’s 2002 and 2003 annual
International Religious Freedom Report, which accuses the PRC of: (1) Restrict[ing]
religious practice to government-sanctioned organizations and registered
places of worship. (2) Regulat[ing]
religious groups to prevent the rise of groups that could constitute
sources of authority outside of the control of the government and the CCP
and . . . crack[ing] down on groups that it perceives to pose a threat. (3) Subjecting
“members of some unregistered religious groups . . . to restrictions,
leading in some cases to intimidation, harassment, and detention. (4) Closing underground
mosques, temples and seminaries, as well as some Catholic churches and
Protestant “house churches,” many with significant memberships,
properties, financial resources and networks. (5) Sentencing many
religious leaders and adherents to as much as three years in
re-education-through-labor camps. (6) Restricting
religious practice and places of worship in Tibet “where the level of
repression remains high.” The
language of the State Department annual reports is bland and soothing and
understates the reality of China’s unrestricted Leninist war against
freedom of religious practice. The
reality is that the more the PRC moves away from Marxism, the more intense
will be the PRC’s exploitation of Leninism, whose genocidal horrors we
saw in Mao’s China and Stalin’s Russia.
Ω “Government is
everywhere to a great extent controlled by powerful minorities, with an
interest distinct from that of the mass of the people.”—Goldsworthy L.
Dickinson, The Choice Before Us, Chapter 4, (1917)
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