The Founders and Today’s Elitists
John D’Aloia Jr.
John D’Aloia Jr. is a retired navy captain and a submarine
commander. He is a columnist for several newspapers in Kansas. A letter-to-the-editor writer in our local paper had this to say: Our Founding Fathers, who wrote the Constitution, may
have been brilliant and courageous souls but they were also elitists who
were not particularly enamored of the idea that ordinary citizens ought to
have any direct role to play in governance. Hence, they created an
electoral college and made no mention of a right to vote (that did not
come until the 1870s). The point is that they distrusted the ability of
the average citizen to participate in the political decisions that affect
their lives.
I do believe the writer was trying to
deconstruct history and reconstruct it to suit a personal agenda.
Knowingly or not, he took a Communist party line used in its attempt to
destabilize our government: Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them
as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
have to have blinders on to be able to ignore the second paragraph of the
Declaration of Independence:
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal. . . . Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it . . .
The Founders believed that to maintain
freedom, they had to implement what some authors call “People’s
Law,” a system of law based on a pyramid, the base foundation of which
was the entire citizenry, forming families, forming communities, forming
counties, forming states, forming the federal government. Their system
collapsed if the entire citizenry was not involved in the political
process. They recognized that when the elite controlled the process,
tyranny followed. One of our problems today is that there is in fact an
elitism dominating our governments, the elitism of narrow interest groups
controlling legislation and policy. Ecofascists come immediately to mind,
daily eroding the property rights that are one of the cornerstones of our
It is hard to ignore these words from George Washington’s first
inaugural address: The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and
the destiny of the republican model of government, are justly considered
deeply, perhaps as finally, staked on the experiment entrusted to the
hands of the American people. He didn’t say to the hands of Boston
merchants or Virginia planters, he said to the hands of the American
Creation of the electoral college had nothing to do with trying to
keep citizens from being heard and everything to do with developing a
system that would elect a president who had broad support across the
nation, who was not the selection of the most populous state, and who was
not beholden to special interest groups. Alexander Hamilton put great
importance on the citizenry in fact being directly involved in the
election of the president. He wrote: Another and no less important desideratum was that
the executive should be independent for his continuance in the office on
all but the people themselves. . . . This advantage will also be secured,
by making his re-election to depend on a special body of representatives,
deputed by the society for the single purpose of making the important
choice . . . To ensure that the base of the process
remained with the people, to ensure that a cabal of government officials
did not control the electoral college, the Founders included in the
Constitution a provision that prevented a Senator, a Representative, or
anyone who occupies an office of trust or profit in the government from
being eligible to serve as an elector.
The right to vote? The Founders believed that the right to vote was
inherent in the republican form of government they created. Thomas West,
in “Vindicating the Founders,” stated that . . . the electorate in the founding era was the most
democratic of any large nation in history. It included about 85 to 90
percent of free males. West noted that in New Jersey, women voted
regularly in the 1790s, and that the . . . ground for the eventual total abolition of
slavery was laid in the establishment of the equality principle at the
center of American polity by [. . . the leading Founders].
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